This Mouse Could Be A Paying Member Of Your Site

Published: Thu, 08/09/12

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See This Mouse?


He's a card-carrying, monthly-paying member of your audience. Or he can be, by the end of today, if you set up a membership site.

What You Need:
  • A WordPress site. (Free and easy to set up.)

  • An AWeber account to send email. (Don't have one? $1 for the first month.)

  • A MemberMouse account to charge for membership. (Now available as of this week!)

Just use MemberMouse to link the WordPress site to the AWeber emails, and voila! You have a membership system all set up.

Get the Details Here

  Writing To Catch Attention

Once in a while, you encounter someone out of nowhere who impresses far beyond your expectations, and you remember what they said for a long time. Months ago, in the little town of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, a poised ginger fireball did just that.

She marched up to the stage at a recent conference and laid out her speech, insightful point after well-articulated point. Her co-speakers were just as dazzling; they spoke with conviction, clarity and smiles. I still remember how enthralled the audience was.

Now, let's talk about you.

It's your job as a marketer to be like these speakers, to blaze so brightly your audience can't help but pay rapt attention. Impress them beyond their expectations and they'll be happy to buy from you.

These speakers did 7 things to leave such a lasting impression.

See What They Were

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  Amanda Gagnon
  Sr. Education Marketing Associate

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