How One Organization Connected With Their Audience Through Email

Published: Tue, 08/14/12

Plus the Poor Richard's Almanac for email marketers.
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  Connecting Through Email: University of Sussex

The tale is a familiar one: an organization that has information that will be valuable and relevant to their audience, but they have trouble actually reaching that audience. Such was the problem for Jo Walters, Membership Engagement Coordinator of University of Sussex Students' Union.

We talked to her about how she planned to get students to sign up, create compelling content and build a following for the Union. The plan proved itself AWesome.

Here's the Plan

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  Poor Richard's Almanac for Email Marketers

Ben Franklin wasn't exactly a marketer; but he was many other things.

He was one of America's founding fathers, and the dude sure was pithy with his business advice. So here we have some bits of his wisdom, passed down from his Poor Richard's Almanacs and show you how they can help you grow your business.

Don't Market Without These

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  Congratulations, World-Class Email Marketers!

We salute the best of the best email marketers with a place on the winners podium.

If you want to see more cool customer examples, check out the winners of the 2012 Email Marketing Summer Games.

See the Winners

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing

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