Three New Apps That Build Repeat Business

Published: Thu, 08/23/12

Plus what words can do for your subscriber growth rate.
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  Three New Apps That Build Repeat Business

If you run an e-commerce store, you may be familiar with some of our shopping cart integrations, like PayPal and Google Checkout.

These integrations allow customers who purchase from you to opt into your email campaign when they check out with their purchase. We've added three more shopping cart integrations and have advice to help you use them to grow your business and your email campaign.

Check Them Out

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  What Words Can Do For Your Subscriber Growth Rate

Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS) has been running a successful email marketing campaign for awhile now. Subscribers are coming in steadily, open rates are looking good and everyone seems to be happy.

But a team of us here took a look their campaign and pointed out some areas that could be improved, specifically the sign up process, and the changes they made brought a significant increase in subscriber growth.

Find out what common mistakes they had on their email sign up page and how it can be fixed.

Find Out Now

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  Pinning Your Web Form on Pinterest - Yes or No?

By now, we're all aware of Pinterest (and if you're not, it's an up-and-coming social network that doubles as an virtual bulletin board that lets you save and share images from across the 'Net).

Online marketers have, of course, jumped on board and started pinning their images, their sites, their blog posts and their offers, all the better to attract the Pinterst's main demographic, women aged 25 to 44. In a business' ideal world, everyone would love to consume their marketing content. However, these posts, sites and offers aren't necessarily what these Pinteresters want to see.

Which brings us to the point: should you try to collect email subscribers on Pinterest by pinning your web form?

Should You?

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing

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