Content Marketing Coup: How Social Media Examiner Grew Its List 234%

Published: Tue, 01/10/12

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  How Social Media Examiner Grew Its List 234%

Just two years after the launch of Social Media Examiner, founder Michael Stelzner has plenty to be proud of. He runs one of the world's top business blogs, with an email list of more than 124,000 and growing, plus over 450,000 visitors per day.

He also recently published his latest book, Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition, that details his strategy for developing new business initiatives.

This got us curious. We wanted to learn more about his approach, and share ways that you can apply it, so we spoke with Stelzner about his book, the success of his site and the importance of email in an effective content marketing strategy.

We combined three key lessons from the book with Stelzner's list building strategy and our interview notes, to create an all-new, free special report, plus you'll get Social Media Examiner's 2011 Social Media Marketing Industry Report.

Think you have an awesome content marketing strategy for 2012? Comment on the blog post about what you'll be doing differently; the best commenter gets a free autographed copy of Stelzner's book Launch.

Get the Report!

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing Associate

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