Setting Expectations AFTER Sign Up

Published: Thu, 01/12/12

Plus, keeping bad luck away from your campaign this Friday the 13th
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  Setting Expectations AFTER Sign Up

When you deliver exactly what subscribers are expecting, you keep them comfortable, giving them a positive experience with your brand. Therefore, it's important to make sure their expectations match what you plan to deliver.

You can start setting the right expectations for your campaign from the get-go, during the sign up process.

But have you ever considered ways to keep adjusting expectations throughout the rest of your campaign?

Learn 3 Different Ways

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  Keeping Bad Luck Away from Your Email Campaign

Tomorrow's Friday the 13th - a notoriously unlucky day when it's wise to avoid black cats and walking under ladders.

While AWeber can't ward off any personal bad luck, we have some precautions you can take to make sure that no misfortunes befall your email marketing campaign.

Direct from our Customer Solutions team, here are three easy ways to bolster your campaign against bad luck today (and every day!).

3 Ways to Stay Lucky

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  Rebekah Henson
  Education Marketing Associate

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