Don't Kill the Romance: 7 Email Marketing Buzzkills to Avoid

Published: Tue, 02/14/12

And 5 ways to wake up your email campaign.
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  Don't Kill the Romance: 7 Email Marketing Buzzkills to Avoid

It's the age old story of subscriber meets email campaign. Sometimes it's love at first sight. Sometimes the relationship takes a little warming up first. And sometimes, it's just one relationship buzzkill after another.

Is your campaign irritating subscribers more than connecting with them? It could be if you're making any of these mistakes. It's time for email marketing couples therapy to save you from turning off your subscribers.

What You Need to Avoid

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Or are your subscribers so disengaged that they aren't even aware of your buzzkills? If that's the case, it's time to wake up your email campaign! Here are five ways to improve your campaign.

  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing Associate

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