Effective Marketing: It's All About Your Subscribers

Published: Thu, 02/23/12

Learn two facets of connecting with subscribers.
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Marketing Is About Making Contact

It might sound counter intuitive, but email marketing isn't about hard selling your subscribers on a product. Effective email campaigns focus on connecting with your subscribers - those moments of contact that lead them gently into a purchase.

Your contact starts with getting your messages into their inbox. The connection grows as you learn about your subscribers through the emails they open, the links they click on and the preferences they share with you. The more you learn, the better your marketing can meet their needs.

Learn both sides of connecting with your subscribers with the articles below.

  Getting Technical:  Deliverability

Getting to the inbox is the first step to connecting with your audience. That means making sure your emails get delivered correctly and don't end up in the spam folder accidentally.

Taking precautions with your HTML emails will increase your chances of landing in the inbox. Find out the two essential components to think about as you design your messages to make sure your subscribers receive them.

Get Your Messages Delivered

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  Getting Personal: Learning About Your Subscribers

Download The Free Guide to Setting Subscriber Preferences
Learning subscriber preferences is an important step to tailoring your content to their needs. This free guide shows you how.

Download Here

You've heard it a thousand times: you need to send personalized, relevant emails to your subscribers to get the best results. Makes sense. Who likes generic emails that waste time?

There's proof behind the theory, too. The MarketingSherpa 2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report found that 99% of marketers surveyed reported that segmenting campaigns based on subscriber behavior was "somewhat to very effective."

But how do you learn what your subscribers want? It's all about building your connection. You'll need to get more acquainted with your subscribers, and we've got some resources to help you out with that.

Know Your Subscribers Better

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  Rebekah Henson
  Education Marketing Associate

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