Email Marketing Advice From 2 Guys (Who Know What They're Doing)

Published: Tue, 02/28/12

Advice on content marketing and attracting the right audience.
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The Guys Who Know What They're Doing

We could stand up on our soapbox all day and tell you what you should and shouldn't do with your email campaigns. We have fun doing that. But sometimes it helps to hear from other businesses on what they're doing to make their marketing work.

With that in mind, we have advice from Joe Pulizzi, the "Godfather" of content marketing, talking about how to make your content appealing in a video interview with our very own Hunter Boyle.

On a similar note, our successful customer Johnn Four of Gamer Lifestyle agreed to share his strategies on how to attract and keep the right subscribers.

Check out both of these posts below!

Your Content Marketing Doesn't Have To Suck

Churning out content in a variety of channels is the lifeblood of online marketing. But without a framework - if you're not directly linking your content cycles to your customers' buying cycles - you'll never get the best return on your efforts. You need a process with real goals tied to conversion and ROI, not just eyeballs and fans.

In this conversation, Joe covers several topics from his new book, Managing Content Marketing. Check it out:

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  How to Attract (and Keep!) the Subscribers You DO Want

Last month, we talked about the email subscribers you don't want and how to prevent them from signing up to your list. Now, it's time to think about how to get and keep the subscribers you DO want.

Johhn Four from Gamer Lifestyle left some impressive comments about how to prevent zombie addresses, so we took a look at the site's email campaign. The results were so good, we decided we needed to share his email marketing strategy.

Find Out His Strategy

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing Associate

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