New App for Contact Forms & Your Free Guide to Pinterest Marketing

Published: Tue, 03/27/12

Plus download the new Pinterest Guide.
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  9 Pinteresters for Email Marketers to Follow

Why join Pinterest, you ask, when your brand already has an established presence on Facebook and Twitter, and new social networks crop up and sink into oblivion every month?

Well, aside from the steady growth, its system lets you present your products an entirely different way: as image fodder for online bulletin boards.

By "following" these 9 trendsetters, you'll get a steady stream of fresh ideas and inspiration for your own marketing.

See What They're Pinning

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How Can You Use Pinterest to Market Your Own Business?

With Pinterest's unique format, you have a huge opportunity to present your business in a new way.

The new free guide to marketing with Pinterest shows you just how to do it.

Don't miss out - download the guide.

Or, if you'd rather get a visual glimpse of how businesses are rocking Pinterest, check out this video of the best campaigns we've found so far.

Pinterest Video

  Collecting Subscribers is Easy As 123ContactForm

Ever since we introduced the AWeber API, we've been adding lots of new integrations to the app showcase.

123ContactForm is a tool that lets you easily build complex web and mobile forms. With the app for AWeber, you can put a form on your site that doubles as both email sign up and contact form.

These forms aren't just your average name-and-message contact forms. They offer flexible options that let your form gather exactly the information you need.

Check Out the App

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  Amanda Gagnon
  Education Marketing Associate

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