321% More Subscribers Just From Updating a Page? Yes, Thank You!

Published: Wed, 04/11/12

Plus, get live optimization on your sign-up pages!
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  How to Quadruple Your Opt-In Rate

If people liked email as much as they like cats, “test it!” would be our “I can has cheezburger?” (It practically is around AWeber.) You’d think there’s no way we wouldn’t be testing everything possible around here, right?


I just got done running a test and it reminded me why we go back to this topic over and over. If you’d like to build your list over 321% faster, take a couple minutes to read this post.

How We Got 321% More Subscribers

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  Optimize Your Sign-Up Forms and Pages

Want to see research-based, tested and vetted ways to get more subscribers?

Great! Then join AWeber's Hunter Boyle and special guest Justin Rondeau of Which Test Won for our next free training webinar, where you'll learn:

Optimize Your Sign-Up Forms and Pages 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
2 p.m. - 3 p.m. EDT

Reserve Your Spot Today
Why many site visitors aren't becoming subscribers (and how to fix it)
Key elements your forms and opt-in pages need to succeed
Examples of forms and pages that boosted list sign-ups by 59% or more, and
Quick optimization tips and test ideas you can use right away

PLUS: We'll optimize real audience pages during the webinar Q&A. Submit your URL at registration for a chance at a live critique.

  Amanda Gagnon
  Senior Education Marketing Associate

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877-293-2371 (US)
+1 215-825-2196 (International)

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