Bloggers...This One's For You.

Published: Tue, 03/19/13

Bloggers...this one's for you.
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  Bloggers: Google Reader's Closing. Say, "Uh-Oh."

Google ReaderYour readers on Reader won't see your posts anymore. They have 3 options:

1. Stop reading your posts altogether (that would suck).

2. Visit your site when they think of it (if they think of it).

3. Subscribe to your emails. (Maybe it's not such an uh-oh after all...)

How To Migrate Your Readers To Email

  Tim's Ebook Marketing Success Story

What Tim Did: Leverage Amazon for email subscribers.

What It Got Him: Sales (10-15 books/day) and subscribers.

Tim Says: "I used to have to actively try to get people to sign up to my newsletter, but now I don't make any effort, and it is pretty much on autopilot."

This Is How He Did It

  Amanda Gagnon
  Sr Education Marketing Associate

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Are You Interested In Seeing Your List Grow?
Thursday, March 21 at 1 p.m. ET

Of course you are, that's why you're signed up to an email marketing blog :)

But are you interested in hearing about how others have built their list? Specifically, what they did to really make their list take off?

If so, join us for a special webinar presented by AWeber's very own Jay Moore and KISSmetrics Nemo Chu as they tell tales from the real world about building lists, building businesses and using email and metrics to grow email lists.

Click here to register now!

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