Eventbrite App: Attract New Pirates Before and After Yer Brawl

Published: Wed, 09/19/12

It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
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Ahoy !

Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. T' raise a ruckus, sneak in some scurvy pirate speak on ye social networks and electronic messages in a bottle.

Liven up ye campaign with a bit o' fun and give ye mateys a memorable experience.

 AWeber + Eventbrite: Invite Event Attendees To Your Email List

Hostin' events takes engagement wit' ye audience one step further by allowin' them to meet th' people behind th' brand while learnin' somethin' new or havin' a ruckas (or both). It's a great way to keep ye business on all ye pirates' minds. But what happens when th' event be over?

In a perfect seven seas, these attendees gunna be able to join ye electronic message in a bottle list so ye can share other aspects 'o ye business. Hearty thanks to th' AWeber 'n Eventbrite integration, that's now a reality.

Th' Eventbrite app gunna add ye attendees to th' AWeber list 'o ye choice. We're really excited 'bout 'tis integration, so we wanted to share th' potential it has to help ye business.

Use AWeber + Eventbrite Together

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955 million active users. Wit' them numbers, it's likely ye have a Facebook Page fer ye business 'n use it to message updates 'n interact wit' ye customers.

Recently, Facebook rolled out some new weapons designed to make ye life even easier as a small business cap'n. Here's th' scoop on what them tools be, 'n how to use them fer ye business.

Schedule Yer Facebook Posts

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  Rebekah Henson
  Education Marketing

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