Email Testing: 3 Greatest Hits from

Published: Tue, 10/02/12

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  Email Testing – 3 Greatest Hits from

This guest post is from Justin Rondeau, editor and evangelist for, and co-presenter at our 2012 Email Testing Workshop on November 1.
We asked him to share three of his favorite email tests from his site’s research library. Take it away, Justin …
Optimizing your email campaigns is absolutely crucial and something that is made fairly easy by email service providers.

But one of the biggest brick walls I see marketers hit when they are testing is figuring out just what to test.

In the spirit of our upcoming Email Testing Workshop, I wanted to share the top three tests you could try TODAY on one of your email campaigns.

The Top 3 Tests

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  Why Most Email Is Junk Mail

This post is from Danny Iny, who markets naked and on firepoles.
Email is the third rail of online marketing.

Sure, Twitter, Facebook and RSS can be nice, but there’s just no comparing them to the raw power that comes with invited access to your prospect’s inbox.

Of course, with power comes risk, and the same is true with email marketing; do it wrong, and you’re toast – the moment you’re seen as junk mail, your open rates will plummet and your spam complaints will soar, your deliverability will drop and your account may even be suspended.

How To Do It Right

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  Amanda Gagnon
  Sr. Education Marketing Associate

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