Images in Email: What Works, What Doesn't and Why

Published: Tue, 11/06/12

Examples and recommendations.
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  Photos in Email: Get More Subscriber Action

Over half of email readers turn on images in the emails they receive. Surprised? Research shows image-heavy emails can outperform the alternatives with the right execution.

Ready to start incorporating more images in your emails? You’re in luck.

Today, we have several examples of businesses using images in fun and effective ways.

See 4 Ideas

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  4 Reasons Your Emails Shouldn't Be Only an Image

Using images in your emails can boost your sales, clicks and engagement while grabbing your readers’ attention.

But are you using them correctly in your campaign?

Plenty of major retailers send emails that are just a single image with no additional text. But is this really a good idea for you to do?

We say no, for 4 reasons.

Find Out Why

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing

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