App For Etsy Sellers: Easily Email Your Customers

Published: Tue, 12/11/12

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  App For Etsy Sellers: Easily Email Your Customers

very Etsy shop owner needs 2 things to keep growing their sales:

1. A way to follow up with your customers. As an Etsy seller, you leave money on the table if you aren't following up with previous purchasers, already interested in your products.

2. Tools to do this quickly and easily. You spend enough time crafting your products without spending hours crafting marketing emails.

AWeber's core mission is to help out as many small businesses as we can. Etsy is full of flourishing small businesses. So we built an app to help them out:

"I'm excited to have AWeber involved with Etsy so I can easily integrate my fabric art into my marketing campaigns," says Etsy seller JK Dooley. "The emails offer another connection to my customers where they can get to know me better."

Check Out the Etsy App For Yourself!

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  Rebekah Henson
  Education Marketing

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