Getting Your Emails Delivered, Comic-Style

Published: Thu, 12/13/12

Getting Your Emails In The Inbox
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  It's All About Your Sender Reputation

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It's the holiday season, which means you're busy crafting the perfect emails in hopes to drive up sales.

But what if your emails don't make it to the inbox? Deliverability concerns often get pushed aside, but Return Path reported that 20% of legitimate, non-spam emails will never reach the inbox.

You want to avoid being in that 20%. According to Return Path, you hold a lot of power needed to control that, as most deliverability problems are based on sender reputation. We'll look at the five main factors that affect reputation and what you can do to help yourself.

The 5 Factors

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  Slacking On Sending Emails?

In a perfect world, you consistently email content that your subscribers can't get enough of. But it's not a perfect world.

The life of a business owner is hectic, and it may be hard to make those weekly or monthly deadlines for your newsletter. But when you let time lapse, the strong relationship you've built with your subscribers starts to fade. But you can fix this.

Here's a game plan to solve this problem in five steps.

Get The Game Plan

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing Associate

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