How To Grow Your List and Get Better Results in 2013

Published: Thu, 01/17/13

Focus on growth and results.
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Part 2: Get More Subscribers

Has your subscriber growth rate flat lined?

A flat line is better than a declining one, but every business owner wants to see their growth going UP. And maybe for 2013, you’ve vowed that you will do something to make sure that you will see growth throughout the year. Now you need a plan.

Here It Is

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Part 3: Create More Effective Emails

Effective emails bring results you want, such as more sales. In part 3 of the "Marketing Solutions" series, we'll look at how you determine if your emails are effective or not and what you can do to improve them. Make 2013 your best year yet!

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  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing Associate

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"Nothing says 'we don't care about our newsletter' like hiding the signup form in the footer of your web site. Most people don't read the main content of your website. Why would they read the footer?" - Josh Ledgard, Kickoff Labs

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