How A Scrapbooker Quit Her Day Job

Published: Thu, 01/24/13

And made 2 livings off her web sites.
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  How A Scrapbooker’s Online Business Let Her Quit Her Day Job

This is the story of Monja Wessel, a woman who was determined to make her online business her full-time job.

Together, Monja and her mother grew the Digidesignresort site; a place where people could learn about digital scrapbooking through tutorials, templates and DVDs.

Monja succeeded; her online business provides not one, but two incomes. We talked to her and created a guide for other online businesses to follow her lead.

If Monja did it, you can too, so...

Get The Free Guide Here

Share Monja's Story:

  Crystal Gouldey
  Education Marketing Associate

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P.S. Valentine's Day is coming up on February 14 (lest you forget), and we're not telling you this so you remember to grab roses for your sweetheart, but so you think about what you can send your readers so they fall in love with you all over again.

(Better order the roses while you're at it, though.)

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