The Marketing Approach That Sells Without “Selling”

Published: Tue, 01/29/13

And how to use colors effectively
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  What You Need To Know About Content Marketing

If you are familiar with content marketing, read on, and we’ll talk about how you can create the best kinds of content to promote your business.

And if you’re not, read on, because content marketing is a low-cost, high-return way to get your business visible – and you need to know about it.

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  The Email Design Element You Haven’t Considered

Whether it’s replying, sharing on a social network or purchasing, you ask your readers for a response.

Your marketing copy has an encouraging effect, but have you thought about what effect, direct or indirect, the colors in your emails have? Choosing colors may feel fun and carefree, but the hues you choose can actually affect your readers’ responses.

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  Amanda Gagnon
  Sr. Education Marketing Associate

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