AWeber Blog: New Mobile App, Guest Post Ideas, Holiday Small Business Tips & MORE!

Published: Tue, 11/25/14

News from the AWeber Blog
Email Marketing Tips Delivered
Grow Your Email List Anywhere with AWeber’s Atom Mobile App
Grow Your Email List Anywhere with AWeber’s Atom Mobile App
The newest email marketing app from AWeber is here. Learn about how Atom allows you to manage your subscribers list from your Android or Apple device on the go!

Owning a business is a 24/7/365 proposition – so is growing your email list. Miss an opportunity to sign up a prospect for your newsletter, and you're missing out on a potential sale. Sure, there’s the old-fashioned pen and paper method for collecting names and email addresses on the fly, but we all know how time-consuming and error-prone that can be.

Here at AWeber, we're all about making email marketing as easy as possible for our customers ? even from their mobile devices. That’s why we're thrilled to announce Atom, AWeber’s newest mobile app that makes growing your email list a snap.
26 Ideas to Get More Traffic to Your Blog Using Guest Posts
26 Ideas to Get More Traffic to Your Blog Using Guest Posts
Traffic makes the web go ’round. There is a lot of talk about converting your website blog traffic into email list signups, but the catch is you need to have a good amount of traffic (people visiting your website) in the first place to drive email list signups!
Supercharge Your Mobile Game with Justine Jordan’s ASCEND Talk
Supercharge Your Mobile Game with Justine Jordan’s ASCEND Talk
Mobile isn’t the next big thing in digital marketing – it’s already here, and it’s already huge. Justine Jordan‘s ASCEND presentation, “Fat Fingers and Small Screens,” drove home the importance of mobile-optimized emails for business owners everywhere. Next time you sit down to develop an email campaign, keep these points in mind...
Common Email Marketing Mistakes: Why Your Emails Aren’t Getting Results
Picture this: You've just hit the send button on a new email campaign for your business. You've got killer content, a great call to action and an attention-grabbing subject line… or so you think.
Peter Shankman
Sales, Service and Loyalty Lessons from a Skydiving Serial Entrepreneur
When big companies talk about marketing and sales, and ROI impact, customer service is often cut out of the conversation.

But entrepreneurs know better -- because they do it all.

That's why companies large and small lend a proverbial ear to Peter Shankman, an entrepreneur, author and speaker with no shortage of energy or stories.

Find out more about his new book: Zombie Loyalists: Using Great Service to Create Rabid Fans and hear an exclusive interview with Peter and AWeber's Sr. Business Development Manager Hunter Boyle...
Are Your Customers Ready to Shop Small on Small Business Saturday?
Are Your Customers Ready to Shop Small on Small Business Saturday?
Small Business Saturday is November 29. Get inspired by these small business stories and start promoting your store with some goodies from AWeber!
12 Days of Holiday Marketing Tips for Small Businesses
12 Days of Holiday Marketing Tips for Small Businesses
Since we believe it’s better to give than to receive, we’re gifting you this handy list (don't worry – we've checked it more than twice!) to help you engage your audience and optimize your holiday marketing efforts!