How to separate your looky-loos from your serious leads

Published: Thu, 03/24/16

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Separate Your Looky-Loos from Your Serious Leads

Separate Your Looky-Loos from Your Serious Leads

Film distributor Jason Brubaker dropped in on our podcast recently to talk about building an audience with email in a disruptive industry. Hit the link to learn how he segments his subscribers, creates winning incentives and optimizes his campaigns.

Listen to the Podcast
How Webinars Can Fit Into Your Email Strategy

How Webinars Can Fit Into Your Email Strategy

Webinars are perfect for educating your audience, but the engagement doesn’t have to end there. Here’s everything you need to set up a webinar and extend the conversation using email marketing.

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Rock This Way: Top Email Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Rock This Way: Top Email Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

We surveyed 1,600 small businesses to find out which tools and tactics they’re using to improve their email campaigns. Consider this your email marketing cheatsheet.

Read the Blog Post

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