6 simple ways to grow your list in 10 minutes or less

Published: Thu, 03/31/16

Plus learn how to use video in email & tidy up your list

6 Simple Ways to Grow Your List in 10 Minutes or Less

6 Simple Ways to Grow Your List in 10 Minutes or Less

Looking for a few easy ways to bulk up your subscriber list, like, today? These tricks will help you spin up a website, create a content upgrade and collect leads just about anywhere.

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How to Use Video in Email

How to Use Video in Email

Want to add video to your emails, but you’re not exactly sure how to get started? Good news: if you have an iPhone, you can record a video. Here’s everything you need to know to create and use videos effectively in your email campaigns.

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The Art of Tidying Up Your Email List

The Art of Tidying Up Your Email List

When is the last time you gave your email list a health check? Use this minimalist approach to help you simplify your list (and maybe even your life).

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