Spice up your emails with GIFs & Twitter

Published: Thu, 06/16/16

Plus a free webinar and free tools

Your Field Guide to Animated GIFs in Email

Your Field Guide to Animated GIFs in Email

Spice up your campaigns with interactive content that adds some extra pop to the inbox. They're easy to make and eye-catching!

Give me GIF guidance
How to Entice Subscribers to Open and Click Your Emails

How to Entice Subscribers to Open and Click Your Emails

Unhappy with your click rates? We can help with that. Join us for a live 30-minute webinar on Thursday, June 23 at 1pm ET where you’ll learn new writing techniques to increase your open and click rates. Plus, free bonus material for attending. Hurry, we only have 1,000 spots!

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Take Twitter and Email to the Next Level with Madalyn Sklar

Take Twitter and Email to the Next Level with Madalyn Sklar

We paired up with top social media influencer, Madayn Sklar, to share some engaging Twitter strategies. Take advantage of these free tips from a pro!

Take me to the next level

Want to get creative with AWesome email?
Start your free 30-day trial now.

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