7 Email Marketing Metrics You Should Track (and What They Mean)

Published: Thu, 12/10/15

Plus a new Quick Tips & Evan Carmichael hangout

7 Email Marketing Metrics You Should Track

7 Email Marketing Metrics You Should Track

Analytics are essential to any email marketing campaign, but they don’t always get the love they deserve. Here are the seven most important metrics you should track and what they mean.

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Quick Tips Video: How to Use Webinars to Grow Your Email List

Quick Tips Video: How to Use Webinars to Grow Your Email List

Webinars are not only perfect for getting the word out about your business, they can help you grow your email list, too. Watch Quick Tips to learn how you can get started.

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How to Convert More Customers

How to Convert More Customers

Who doesn’t want more paying customers? Join AWeber’s Data Analyst Mike Resetar and Evan Carmichael on Thursday, December 17th at 12:30pm ET for a crash course in lead generation, conversion metrics, tips for understanding your customers and more.

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