[Last Call] Do you still want our emails?

Published: Wed, 07/19/17

Take action to continue receiving free content
Still want the latest email marketing posts, workshops and classes?
You haven’t opened an email from us in a while. 😟

Last week, I sent you a message asking if you still wanted to receive our newsletter dedicated to helping your learn more about email marketing.

In case you missed it, I'm sending one last email before we unsubscribe you.

If you’d like to stay subscribed, just click below:
If you’d rather not get content from us anymore, don’t click on the button, and I’ll unsubscribe you from this list in the next 48 hours.

Here’s what you’ll get by sticking with us:

  • The latest email marketing strategies and tactics and how to use them to grow your business.
  • Answers to your most pressing email marketing questions on our podcast, Ask Me About Email Marketing.
  • Examples and case studies from businesses like you who are using email to build an audience, make more connections and reach their goals.
  • Free guides, worksheets, reports and courses focused on email marketing and leveling up your skills.
  • Exclusive invites to live workshops, webinar and classes to help you refine your email marketing skills.
If you’re still interested in receiving all this free content, just click the button below.
Monica M. Content Marketing Specialist
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