Here is Your Saturday Morning Awesomegang Authors Newsletter

Published: Sat, 05/20/17

AwesomeGang Authors


Good Morning!

A lot of authors have added Amazon ads to their promotion efforts. I believe that both Facebook ads and Amazon ads can help when you add them to your book promotion efforts. 

When you combine all three you can really increase your sales. Our friend Dave over on Kindlepreneur just made a FREE class on how to use them

I highly encourage you to sign up and take a look. Dave knows his stuff.

What Are You Working On?

I love hearing from authors. Hit the reply button and let me know what you are working on or what you need help with. When this newsletter goes out I am usually sitting on the computer so you can expect a response from me quickly. 


Thats it for this week. Please check out the authors below and share them if you like on social media and help them out. Good karma goes a long way. If you belong to a Author group help spread the word about our free author interview series.


Bringing You Weekly Tips From Authors


Awesome Author - London Michelle

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Sweet Summer Wine is my first published book. I have been writing for ten years. Until now, nothing has met my expectations.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Sweet Summer Wine. I found the inspiration for this book through a close and personal friend’s experience. She met the love of her life after being destroyed by something that we all face; cheating!

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I would say my habits are a little unorthodox. I like to put my headset for my phone on and call my best friend. We sit for hours in silence, but she’s right there if I have any questions or if I need to run something by her.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
My best friend introduced me to the sexy world of Erotica. Through the many books I spent countless hours reading, I developed a calling to write these same types of stories.

What are you working on now?
I am working on Bittersweet. It’s the second book in my Wine Tasting series!

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I love the KDP promotions! Kindle is committed to helping their authors succeed.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Keep writing! No one will ever hear your voice if you’re too scared to speak!

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Never give up on your dreams and make time for yourself!

What are you reading now?
I haven’t picked up a book in a while, I’ve been so busy writing my own series!

What’s next for you as a writer?
I plan to finish the Wine Tasting series. After that, I have already started another series, but I don’t have a title for it just yet.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The entire Lord of the Rings series, including The Hobbit! I love those books.

Author Websites and Profiles
London Michelle Website

London Michelle’s Social Media Links
Facebook Profile


Awesome Author - Ebony Horton

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’ve recently published my first book.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The name of my book is “Maximizing My Future by Eliminating My $220,000 Student Loan Debt,” my book was inspired by my commitment to paying off my student loans.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Based on the feedback that I’ve received, people think that my book was like having a good conversation. Very relatable and easy to follow.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I really enjoy motivational/self-help books. Wayne Dyer and Stephen Covey are two authors that I really enjoyed.

What are you working on now?
I’m considering becoming a public speaker. I’ve currently taking a course to help me improve my stage presence.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Make sure to invest in a good editor.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Take steps back to make leaps forward.

What are you reading now?
Shonda Rhimes “Year of Yes”

What’s next for you as a writer?
I’ll continue to journal my experiences and eventually publish another ebook.

Author Websites and Profiles
Ebony Horton Website
Ebony Horton Amazon Profile

Ebony Horton’s Social Media Links
Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Lina Greyce

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I have been writing since I was a kid. I’ve done everything from poetry to non-fiction, short stories to novels. I do write under several names, and Lina is the name I write my naughty stuff under. I have had articles, essays and short stories published in 7 anthologies, 3 magazines, 2 websites, and a newspaper. I have also published three non-fiction self-help books, an urban fantasy novel, and a children’s picture book. My first erotica/romance publication, and my first under the name Lina Greyce, is Her Favorite Mistake.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Her Favorite Mistake is the first of a four-book series based on the legendary and tragic loves of Arthurian legend. Each story takes place partially in the past, giving details of “what happened”, and partially in the present, as they reconnect and get a second chance at love. While I stick pretty closely to the original tales, with details like names, relations, even hair color, there are plenty of steamy scenes throughout. Some of the characters are fae and nearly immortal, while some are reincarnated. Most of the characters have magic, and there are cameos by monstrous fae, such as trolls and goblins.
Her Favorite Mistake is the story of Merlin and Nimue, the mage of Camelot and the Lady of the Lake. Nimue got Merlin killed before, and she doesn’t want to make the same mistake again.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Not really. I like to spend some time not writing before each story. I take the time to really mull over the characters and the plot (I’m a plotter), before I start committing words to screen. I do most of my writing in a program that doesn’t have spell check, so I don’t get the distraction of the little green and red underlines telling me I’m doing something wrong. I do love deadlines, though, so I’m always trying to set deadlines for myself.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Pretty much everything I’ve ever read. I tend to notice how stories are written, so even a bad one will teach me at least what not to do. I remember scenes from books I can’t even recall the titles to, and those scenes, because I remember them, influence me. I hope what I write can be as memorable to someone.
Specific authors include Robert Jordan, Anne McCaffrey, Jim Butcher, Christine Feehan… just to name a few. Mostly, I love these guys because of how they write epic series with over-arching plots. I want my series to be just as awesome.

What are you working on now?
I’m waiting to hear back from my publisher on the second book in my 9-book urban fantasy series. I’ve also started the second book in this series, the Hot Fae Knights. This one is starring Lancelot, everyone’s favorite First Knight of the realm. I have about 15 works-in-progress in a variety of fantasy genres and non-fiction topics, so I tend to have more trouble deciding which to focus on rather than not having anything at all.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m a social media person, so I’m big on promoting through mostly facebook and twitter. I also have a newsletter, and I’m always looking for another opportunity to promo my works.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
It’s harder than you think, and it’s easier than you hope. Writing is a lot of work, and a lot of research into methods of publishing and marketing. But the information is out there and it’s pretty intuitive once you get into it. It is time consuming, though. No bon-bons for Lina.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Just keep writing.

What are you reading now?
I am actually between books, right now. I’ve finished several novels already this year, and I didn’t start any up because I was helping some friends do editing and beta reads. I’ve also been travelling a lot for book signings, conventions & conferences, and even a radio interview. So, I’ve been busy recently. This is probably the first time in a long time that I haven’t been in the midst of two or three books at a time.

What’s next for you as a writer?
Onward and upward. I’m going to keep writing, then I’ll write some more. Then a bit more after that, with plenty of marketing in between. That is my plan.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
1 – A well-illustrated book on edible plants and animals for the region.
2 – Poe’s collected works
3 – Shakespeare’s collected works
4 – Tiger Eye by Marjorie Liu (haven’t read it in a while)

Author Websites and Profiles
Lina Greyce Website
Lina Greyce Amazon Profile

Lina Greyce’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Isabelle Glass

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I wrote my first book “Brightleaf” about 6 years ago and self-published it on, it’s a general fantasy story about fairies, elves, and humans working together to save a kidnapped queen in a wizard’s dungeon. It went over really well with the 11-17 year olds, but I got distracted and never published any sequels. So my vampire book came very suddenly and I’m still surprised by it.

I flit between being very classy and being a complete nerd. I enjoy listening to symphonies and studying impressionist artwork, but also my 21st birthday was a Lord of the Rings LARPing adventure and I love Star Trek and I go to conventions. So my book “Prince Orlofsky, Vampire Hunter” blends the two together: it’s a journey through European/Russian history, art, architecture, and music, through the eyes of a Russian prince who has unabashedly genre fiction adventures. As an example, I have a character Franz Liszt who is an important composer in classical music, but in my book he’s also a werewolf. It’s the best of both worlds.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
“Prince Orlofsky, Vampire Hunter.” It came about because there was an opera called “Die Fledermaus” which took place at a prince’s villa where he was throwing a party. I thought, wouldn’t it be funny if it was a horror novella where a monster destroyed the party and killed the characters one by one? So I started writing that, but I found myself distracted by the prince. He was funny and eccentric and I really just wanted to write his story. So I took Prince Orlofsky (who was a real character in Die Fledermaus) and explored all his weirdness. In the opera he’s bored all the time, and says “in my eighteen years I have lived through forty”, so I figured he was probably some kind of vampire weary with life.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I talk to myself as my characters, in odd places: the bathtub, the couch, out walking the dog, the toilet. So if anybody listened in on me when I went into a bathroom, they’d probably hear me muttering melodramatic lines, and answering them back equally dramatically. “Do you want me to stake her for you?” “No, I would never forgive you if you did that” “Just say the word. If I knew that you wished it, I would do it in a heartbeat!” *flush* *faucet* Yep.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I read Dracula right before writing this vampire book, so a lot of the lore is straight from Dracula. But as far as authors go, Edgar Rice Burrows has a hilariously melodramatic way of writing sci-fi that still manages to feel super cool and epic, so I try to emulate that sometimes. And Charles Dickens has a wonderfully sarcastic sense of humor. Like in “A Christmas Carol,” he says someone is “as close to Scrooge as I am to you now, and I am standing in the spirit at your elbow.” Okay Charles Dickens, lovely to think about. That’s my favorite book, I read it every Christmas. I grew up on a diet of Dickens, Alexandre Dumas, and Narnia, Lord of the Rings, and Redwall.

What are you working on now?
I’ve finished the sequel to Prince Orlofsky, which is about to be edited, and I’m almost done with the third installment. So after that, I’ll be writing the fourth book, “Prince Orlofsky’s Vampire Bride,” which will have so much lovely vampire angst in it. Then the fifth one will be the Russian revolution.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I have a facebook page for it, and I’ve figured out boosting posts can get you some clicks. I like it because it’s direct and on someone’s facebook, which is basically their homepage now. But it costs money, so I’m hoping to try out Amazon’s promotion options next.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Even if you suck, write anyway. I always loved to write but thought I was no good at it. So I spent years not writing, thinking I could never measure up. Then I walked into the sci-fi/fantasy paperback section of a used bookstore. I saw all sorts of obscure stuff there, and some of it was amazing and some of it not so good. What they all had in common is that they weren’t going for a Pulitzer. They were just telling a cool story. I realized that these people wrote anyway, even if they sucked, or thought that they sucked. So instead of letting the self-doubt hold you back, write anyway, and if anyone hates your book, you can say “well F you. It got made.”
Make a thing. Make it exist. It’s awesome.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
My college film teacher used to say “Just do it. You’d be amazed how many people don’t do it, and that’s why they don’t make it in this business. Just do it.” He was talking about diving in and making your book, movie, or project happen. And not worrying along the way. Just do it. Want to audition for something in NYC? Buy a cheap megabus ticket and make it happen. Just do it.

What are you reading now?
“Master and Commander,” by Patrick O’Brian. And “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley.

What’s next for you as a writer?
A sci-fi/space book I’ll be writing with my husband about a sonoluminescence power core, and using sonic weapons to vibrate through matter and tear stuff apart. We’ve been planning it for a few years now, I’m already in love with the characters.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
War and Peace, because I’ve always wanted to read it and it’s super long.
A Christmas Carol
Treasure Island (very few books do I reread but this one I have, and can quote many of the lines. Some even made it into Treasure Planet, and I love that.)
The Phantom of the Opera (I’ve also reread this one. Seven times. I love losing myself in the bustling old world of the Garnier opera house)

Author Websites and Profiles
Isabelle Glass Website


Awesome Author - WS Carmichael

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Relatively new to the writing game, I’ve written two books, with a third on the way. I’ve had a passion for writing for as long as I can remember, but only recently began publishing my work. My life up to this point has been too busy with my family and my nursing career to pursue my dream of writing professionally, but with my children now teenagers, I decided it is finally time to give it a shot.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is Never Say Never Again, the second in my Laurel Creek series. It was inspired almost exclusively by the first book in the series, At Long Last. While I was writing ALL, I was constantly jotting down character ideas and storylines for NSNA. I couldn’t wait to start it.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Does hiding from my family count as an unusual writing habit?

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I love Abbi Glines. Her writing style of alternating first person POV is similar to my own. It allows me to get to know my characters more intimately and I am able to create characters with more depth.

What are you working on now?
I’m currently working on a romantic comedy, unrelated to the Laurel Creek series, about a jilted woman out the make the most of her newly single status. It’s going to be a fun read.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
So far, I’ve had moderate success with paid promotions on multiple blog sites and Facebook ads. Advertising through Amazon has been helpful also.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write! Write! Write! And when you’re done with that, write some more. Also, if you’re self publishing, make sure you have a good editor and beta readers. There’s nothing more frustrating for readers than to feel like your seventh grade English teacher having to mentally correct your run on sentences and typos.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Probably to stop procrastinating and just write. Don’t worry about getting it right the first time, your computer has a delete button for a reason.

What are you reading now?
I just finished the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I’m grieving a little. I feel like my best friends moved away.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m considering a semi-fictional book based on my father’s life. He’s a pretty interesting guy and I love his stories.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I feel like the practical side of me would insist on a survival guide as my first book. Then I would look for loopholes in the book limit rule. You know, find a massive collection published as one book. I really can’t say which book I would choose, specifically. The thought of limiting my reading material is giving me palpitations. Please stop.

Author Websites and Profiles
WS Carmichael Website
WS Carmichael Amazon Profile

WS Carmichael’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Sonya Contreras

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Growing up with five sisters, Sonya Contreras asked God many questions, even when she did not like His answers. Graduating from Cedarville University and Institute for Creation Research with a Master’s Degree in Science Education did not stop her questions. Marrying her best friend and homeschooling their eight sons, she found that dreams do come true, in spite of unanswered questions. Trusting God, Who knows all answers, she shares questions that matter at
I’ve written Our Story of His Lessons: Twenty Years of Christmas Letters. A compilation of our Christmas letters tell of our eight boys, raising what food we can, and learning to live like we should.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My fiction series: Tell of My Kingdom’s Glory takes the Israelites out of Egypt (Book 1), through the desert (Book 2), and to their Promised Land(Book 3). The third will be out in July 2017.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
To work around my family’s schedule, I get up around 2 AM to work without interruption.

What are you working on now?
Book 3 of the series Tell of My Kingdom’s Glory.
I’m working on short stories during the time of the judges of Israel.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Improve your writing through writing conferences, books, or classes. Improve your skill.
Find someone who can honestly critique your work to tell you whether it’s “ready” for others.
Marketing is hard. Find what tools (i.e. blogging, webinars, speaking) that you enjoy and specialize in that one or two things.


What’s next for you as a writer?
Keep on writing. Complete the books started.
Work on finding an audience.
Continue my weekly newsletter.
Make contacts that will help with reviews.

Author Websites and Profiles
Sonya Contreras Website
Sonya Contreras Amazon Profile

Sonya Contreras’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile


Awesome Author - E.J. Powell

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I was born and raised in the deep south where I still reside with my husband and four canine children. I am the author of the Dark Lords series. I have three published works in the series with many more to come. each novel is a standalone and do not have to be read in order, but are written in chronological order.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Hunter’s Blood is the newest arrival to the Dark Lords series. It involves an ex-vampire hunter, Libby, who has to learn to get along with the supernatural world. Easier said than done, especially with Ethon, a vampire, who keeps showing up. And Ethon finds himself falling for a woman who was taught to hate him. But they both have a past they need to overcome if they have any hope at a future.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I like to listen to rock music when I write. Five Finger Death Punch, Avenge Seven Fold, Highly Suspect to name a few.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
J.K. Rowling and J.R.R. Tolkien will always hold a special place on my shelves. I also love J.R. Ward, Gena Showalter and Johanna Lindsey. I love a series that doesn’t continue with the same characters book after book, but keeps me in the world they have created.

What are you working on now?
Right now I am working on my next novel in the Dark Lords series, Born of the Blood, which will release in the fall.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Facebook is usually the easiest. My fans can message me easily there and I can get the word out about new releases and upcoming events.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
If you truly love to write, never stop.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Nothing in life is given. If you want it, work for it.

What are you reading now?
I am currently reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. So far, I’m loving it!

What’s next for you as a writer?
Writing is next for me. I never stop writing.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, The Lord of the Rings, Gentle Rogue by Johanna Lindsey, and Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

Author Websites and Profiles
E.J. Powell Website
E.J. Powell Amazon Profile

E.J. Powell’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Brian Terenna

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Brian Terenna grew up in Doylestown, PA. He is a fantasy, science Fiction, multicultural romance, and paranormal romance writer. His first fantasy novel is, “Talent Storm,” a dystopian post apocalyptic fantasy. His second novel is “Kissing the Intern: A Multicultural Romance.”
He runs a book review blog called, “Revolting Road” (The original name to “Talent Storm”, and a Youtube meditation site called, “The Calm Life.”
He is an avid chess player, a vegetable gardener, and he meditates regularly.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
“Kissing the Intern: A Multicultural Romance” is my latest novel. It can also be considered a Light Romantic Comedy or a Sweet Romance. I was inspired to write this novel because of my romantic connection with my fiance and co-author Julia Perez.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I have a few hours a day when I’m the most focused to write. I typically plan out a scene, audio record it, and then transcribe and fix it up.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
My three favorite series are the “Red Rising Trilogy,” “The King Killer Chronical,” and “The Stormlight Archive.” All three are super imaginative fantasy novel series with superb main characters. I strongly recommend these series to anyone who likes fantasy. You won’t be disappointed.

What are you working on now?
I’m going to start Young Adult Apocalyptic Science Fiction trilogy. I have a ton of notes and am excited to start plotting. I’m probably going to write in first person and possibly in the present tense. The main character will be a sixteen-year-old, Dominican girl, computer hacker/gamer, who finds out that things can be even worse than her foster home experiences. I’m extremely excited to get started on this project.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I find that the KDP select free promotion period is helpful.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
I strongly advise learning everything you can about writing and the process before starting to write a novel. It’s important to know how to create realistic characters, how to create a plot, and how to write a descriptive well-written novel. Never stop learning and relearning about the writing process. Never.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Edit, edit edit!

What are you reading now?
I’m reading the second book in the King Killer Chronicle, The Wise Man’s Fear.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I”ll finish planning and complete my young adult Apocalyptic Science Fiction trilogy.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I’d take the Red Rising Trilogy if I’m supposed to take fiction books. Otherwise, I’d take four non fiction books on how to survive on a desert island.

Author Websites and Profiles
Brian Terenna Website
Brian Terenna Amazon Profile

Brian Terenna’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Jillian Eaton

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I grew up in Maine and now live in Pennsylvania in a 100-year-old house that my husband and I are slowly renovating. We have one son and three dogs which at times can make for a chaotic household, but we wouldn’t have it any other way!

I self-published my first book, A Brooding Beauty, in 2012. Since then I have written over twenty-five novels and novellas. All of my books are character driven with strong, intelligent heroines and dashing heroes.

I love curling up with a good romance, ducks, making my son giggle, and extra butter on my popcorn. I’m not that fond of laundry.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
A Dangerous Seduction (Bow Street Brides #1) was published in Valentine’s Day! An enemies-to-lovers romance with a headstrong heroine and growly, brooding hero.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I need to have coffee when I write!

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I draw inspiration from Nora Roberts, Lisa Kleypas, and Judith McNaught.

What are you working on now?
Right now I’m working on the second book in my Bow Street Bride series, A Dangerous Proposal. It is available for pre-order and will be released on June 25th!

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
My Facebook page allows me to connect directly with my readers which I absolutely love.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
My favorite quote:

“You can fix anything but a blank page.” – Nora Roberts

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Always keep reading! Read everything you can get your hands on.

What are you reading now?
I’m currently re-reading Black Rose by Nora Roberts.

What’s next for you as a writer?
Continuing with the Bow Street bride series!

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Oh man! Tough questions.

Something Wonderful by Judith McNaught
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling
The Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas

Author Websites and Profiles
Jillian Eaton Website
Jillian Eaton Amazon Profile

Jillian Eaton’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Isabelle Esling

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am an eclectic, trilingual published writer. I have published traditionally and self-published. I have written “eleven books plus one”. Why am I stating ” eleven plus one”?…because number 12 is a paperback that is still in the hands of my publisher. Actually I am waiting for my friend David Hines, a Shroud of Turin researcher, to write the preface before it can be edited and published. So number 12 is a prophetic book that will be entitled “Heart of a Savior”. It will be published with Northern Books and will be available in paperback and e-book. Now let’s talk about number ” eleven plus one”: my most recent book is an e-book. It summarizes my recent trip to Eretz Israel in April 2017.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
It is entitled ” 7 days in Israel, my journey to the Holy Land”. Well, this book summarizes all spiritual highlights I experienced in the Holy Land, like praying at the Kotel ( Western Wall) in Jerusalem and encountering the mystical Sea of Galilee, but also very ordinary daily life episodes. It contains some useful advices for lone travelers.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I usually write at a Café named Cofféa. I am using my laptop, but I usually always carry a notebook for the brainstorming of ideas.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
There are so many. I love Marcel Pagnol and Balzac for the French authors. As for the German authors, I am fond of Schiller, Heine and Goethe.

What are you working on now?
I am working on a draft called “Figments of Light”.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I am using social media quite a lot. I am also using Awesomegang and other free media, and press releases.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Keep writing. Keep perfecting your skills. Also spend some time on editing or hire some professional editor. The way you present your books matters a lot.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
The best advice I have been given is ” one becomes a writer by writing”.

What are you reading now?
I am too much busy writing. I barely have time to read.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I would like to expand more and make a living from my writings.
I’d like to share my experience ( not proselytism, it is about giving testimony) as a disciple of Yeshua our Messiah with other people worldwide.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I’d bring a Tanach ( Hebrew bible ) and the Hebrew Delitzsch Gospels. That’s it. No more is needed for me.

Author Websites and Profiles
Isabelle Esling Website
Isabelle Esling Amazon Profile

Isabelle Esling’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account
Pinterest Account


Awesome Author - Kshitij Prasai

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hi AwesomeGang Readers,

This is Kshitij Prasai (Coach KP). I am a life, success and self-reliance coach and have been active in the field of personal development for quite a while. I started out in this field to overcome some of the negative patterns that I had in my life. I have made great use of existing self-help tools and am in the field now to help others make lasting changes in their lives by giving back to the community, my spin on Personal Development.

I am currently writing my second book, which I am aiming to have ready before July 4th, 2017.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest Book is called Personal Development Simplified. Amazon link here:


What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?

Do you have any advice for new authors?

What are you reading now?
The Power Of Habits.


Author Websites and Profiles
Kshitij Prasai Website
Kshitij Prasai Amazon Profile


Awesome Author - Steven Sheiner

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am an optometrist turned published author, proving that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams!

I began my college career as an accounting major, but hated it! I then proceeded to change my major three times. I had no idea what we wanted to do professionally, but always loved writing. My parents told me what most parents tell their kids when they want to pursue their dreams: “You’ll never make any money at that!” So I went the “safe” route, and became an optometrist. But twenty years later, I still regretted not pursuing a writing career, and decided it was about time. At forty-five years old, after having been an optometrist for twenty years, I decided to write my first book.

I live in South Florida with my wife and two boys.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The name of my latest book is called Running Still. The corruption that goes on every day in healthcare and with big pharma is what inspired me to write it. While my novel is entirely fiction, it’s not too hard to imagine the story I tell as being real.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
When I sit down to write, I don’t know where the story is going. Many writers have a well thought out outline and know what each chapter or day will bring. When I write, the story unfolds as I type. The ideas come to me, sometimes in the middle of the night, but usually that same day. It’s exciting in some ways, because I don’t know what’s going to happen next or how things will turn out!

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Some of my favorite authors are John Grisham, James Patterson, Michael Crichton, Robin Cook, and JK Rowling. They are all incredible story tellers with writing styles worth admiring.

What are you working on now?
My next book is very different from Running Still. It’s a whole new story with different characters. Gun rights will be at the heart of it, but not in the way most people would expect. It will be fictional, but the story will be very relatable and entertaining.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I rely heavily on social media for promotion. You can reach a lot of people using simple strategies to leverage social media.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Just write. Don’t worry about what or how others do it. Come up with an idea, something you think would make an interesting story, and then put pen to paper (or fingers to keys). And be consistent. Write a little bit every day, and don’t stop until you’re done. And then keep going, lol.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Don’t worry about what other people think. It’s your story, it’s your book, it’s your life. You decide how you want it to turn out. Don’t let other people’s opinions decide for you.

What are you reading now?
I’m currently reading Honeymoon, by James Patterson. I love his ability to shape a story and craft characters that you fall in love with very quickly.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m in promotion mode for Running Still, and still in search of the right literary agent to work with. But once that’s done, I’ll start working on Book #2 and telling a new story.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I’d love to bring the entire Harry Potter series with me. It’s so easy to get lost in that world, maybe I’d forget about being stranded for a while, lol

Author Websites and Profiles
Steven Sheiner Website
Steven Sheiner Amazon Profile

Steven Sheiner’s Social Media Links
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account


Awesome Author - A.E.R Kingsbury

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a Canadian fiction author, I love all things that come deep from the imagination. I’ve written several books, I’ve only published one but that’s just the beginning for me!

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My first release is called End of the World: Infected Part 1.
I decided to go with a horror genre as I had so many ideas inspired from today’s pop cultural zombie style entertainment in television and movies. There are so many ways to tell a zombie story, this one is mine.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I tend to jump around when I’m writing a draft copy; from chapter to chapter either adding parts or taking away. I’ve erased entire characters and scenarios that I decided last minute had no real value to the story and my potential readers. It was quite the journey.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
A lot of the scarier authors; King is one of them. Such brilliant ideas!

What are you working on now?
I am currently working on several titles; you can see a full list on my blog but my main project has been End of the World: Infected Part 2, the second and final book of this short novella series.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Self promoting is difficult; Twitter has been a great help as well as being an influencer in the blogging world, word of mouth through online friends has also been great. I’m hoping Awesome Gang can help get my book into many more readers kindles!

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t give up. If this is truly your dream, your calling, you’ll make it. Just remember how today’s best selling authors all started off at the bottom somewhere. Hard work and dedication can pay off.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
You are your worst critic; believe in yourself.

What are you reading now?
I’m reading a non-fiction, biography style book: Bossypants by Tina Fey. I needed a little laughter and this is working like a charm.

What’s next for you as a writer?
Continuing to write my books and hope to grow my readership and fan base! Maybe one day I will be signed with a print house; signing copies of one of my books, in hard copy.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Ultimate Wilderness Survival Guide
Swiss Family Robinson
Lost Jacqueline Davies

Author Websites and Profiles
A.E.R Kingsbury Website
A.E.R Kingsbury Amazon Profile

A.E.R Kingsbury’s Social Media Link
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Timothy Baril

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m from Canada, raised in the prairies (Edmonton) but also lived in Vancouver. I’m a former teacher, having taught in Asia for 8 years. Worked in sales and odd jobs before that. Even spent a few months working in the arctic in a remote camp. I’ve long wanted to be a writer, but when I was young, that was not very realistic. The self-publishing world changed everything.

I’ve started quite a few books, but finished only a few. So far I’ve completed 2 fantasy novels with a pun-based comedy theme, similar to Piers Anthony’s Xanth series. I’ve also been taking classic monster stories and redoing them. I’ve turned Carmilla and The Vampyre, originally short stories, into novels. All four are available with online retailers.

I have romance, historical adventure and more fantasy and monster stories in development. I also have some serious, non-fiction philosophical works which I’d like to finish, once I have the time.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My most recent publication is The Vampire. I was originally working on redoing Dracula when I came across Carmilla, which was probably a big inspiration for Dracula. Excited over the story, I turned Carmilla into a novel. While working on that, I then discovered The Vampyre and turned that into a novel too.

I feel like the work I’m doing is a kind of collaboration between past authors and myself. A huge Halloween fan, I love the old monster stories and hope to do justice to the original works, while providing something new for fans. And maybe giving the old ones fresh attention.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I write in blood.

No, I’m kidding. That would limit how many pages I could do in a day.

Unless I started using someone else’s blood…

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I’m a big Piers Anthony fan. That’s why my own fantasy novels are so similar to Xanth. I actually pay homage to that wonderful author in the second book of the Welcome to Heartstone series.

I love Wilbur Smith. I have my own historical epic, a huge, huge series based on pirates. I love pirates. That series will take a while to flesh out.

I’ve read some spectacular non-fiction as well. The Selfish Gene, Sex at Dawn and 7 Habits of Highly Successful People are fantastic. They are all highly influential on my own upcoming work on understanding the human experience.

What are you working on now?
Dracula is coming…

My version of Dracula has somehow expanded into a 5 or 6 volume series. Mostly because people seem insistent on reading many shorter books rather than a few big ones. Though I love big books myself. Also, small books seem to be much cheaper to print.

I’m also working on Welcome to Heartstone, Book 3. More puns and fun and fantasy adventure. It’s mostly finished. I hope fans love the world as much as I do. I can’t wait to flesh out more of it.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
To be honest, I have had little success promoting books. But I haven’t invested much time into it either. I understand that building a fan base and connecting with people is important, but I just haven’t had enough stories or self confidence to really get into promotion yet. Maybe with a few more books finished, I can offer more to readers.

I think it’s more difficult for those of us who are less social and chatty and less active on social media. Those that are might have an easier time building connections and a fan base. That’s something to keep in mind.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write. Every day. It’s the only way to build skills. And work on getting things done. I find it very easy to start a project, but much more difficult to finish it off. Self discipline is probably the most important thing you need.

And read. Read great authors so that how to write seeps into your brain. It builds vocabulary. It’s like learning a new language, the more you’re around it, the more it sinks in. To be a writer, it helps to be a reader.

Write what you love and know. But realize that if you want to make money, romance is probably your best bet. It takes up about 60% of the book industry. Even if you need to do it under a fake name, that might be the best way to make sales. Also, anything action oriented, as many readers today are ADD types who need constant conflict and drama and action to keep them excited. It seems many hate having any kind of slow moment anymore or long descriptive scenes. That said, write what you want, if you are willing to pay the commercial price.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Never give up. Being a successful writer takes time. I’m not there yet. I’m still only in the initial stages. For most people, it takes years. Only the lucky ones and best ones become breakout successes overnight.

I think one of the most amazing stories I’ve ever heard was how Piers Anthony got his start. His wife supported him for about 8 years early in his career. That’s incredible. That’s a beautiful, beautiful thing to do for someone else’s dream. I did something similar for two different partners in the past, one with a dance career, one wanting to go to another country. I think supporting your partner’s dream is vital to any real relationship.

I’ve heard plenty of tales of men supporting wives with home-businesses or writing, but for a woman to support a man, that’s not as common, I think. It should be totally normal in a world of equality, but when so many women insist that the man earn as much as possible, while being a new author means earning very little more many years, for a wife to support her husband like that for so long is incredible. I have so much respect for that.

What are you reading now?
I recently finished several novels by Clive Cussler and partners. Thinking about reading the Harry Potter series, all of it. I’ve never done it. I heard it was ok.

What’s next for you as a writer?
To finish the next book. That’s always the goal. To finish more books. If you’re JK Rowling or Dan Brown, maybe you can get away with writing only a couple, but for the rest of us, we need to keep writing. The more we write, the better we get and the more readers we can connect with.

As soon as I get more finished, and have some confidence that my writing is any good, then I want to start connecting with readers and try to turn this dream into a living.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Survival guides. Because I don’t want to die. Maybe Robinson Crusoe? You know, because he was stranded on an island.

I can’t decide if I’d want something with a lot of humanity in it, like a love story. Would that help with the loneliness, or only make it worse? If I were stranded alone, maybe I wouldn’t want to have something about human connections because it would make me miss them. Like longing for love when you’re single. So maybe philosophy or theoretical physics would be good because you’d have so much thinking time. But if I were stranded with my soulmate, I’d definitely want a love story so that we could celebrate what we have and help nurture us through the hard times. And then we could eat it as we slowly died together.

How about something like, How to Build a Boat from Coconuts? Or, How To Drink Your Own Pee? Or, Sex With Monkeys: Is it Really Bestiality If You Have Sex In The Forest And No-One Hears It?

Author Websites and Profiles
Timothy Baril Website
Timothy Baril Amazon Profile
Timothy Baril Author Profile on Smashwords

Timothy Baril’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
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Awesome Author - mckenzie stark

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am almost 20 . . . I have been writing since I was 12 years old and live in Northern Utah where I grew up with 4 sisters and 1 brother – a huge loving family who always encouraged me to continue my dreams of writing and every day. I am currently in the process of writing/finishing my four latest books, every day I write is a challenge and an adventure that I cannot wait to endure.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Shattered Echo – This is the book that I am most writing at this given time, this book is based on a 17 year old girl that experiences the abuse from her father and watching it happen to her mother; she hides the pain and bruises and wants to give up on life until she meets the Dangereous Jake Steele and everything changes – this book was inspired by the meyer fact that a lot of the emotions in it have been experienced by so many people and I want to show everything that no matter what, Depressed,suicidal, angry, sad, lost -there is always someone or something out there that can save you from that dark place.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Hmm, I don’t know if anyone else does this but when I write I can not write straight through – I write more the one scene at once from different parts of the book as it comes to me.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Authors : Kim Harrison and Richelle Reed are Authors that have most influence me to continue writing – their books Vampire Academy and The Hollow Series were the ones that got me into it , the picture and emotions they created was to be honest Incredible

What are you working on now?
I am working on both my Shattered Echo book and Undying Chains an Ink and Ivory Trilogy.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Depends, if you are a self published Author like myself promoting your book can be a lot hard and takes a lot of effort.I personally love Facebook – the great way is to create a page and just keep posting! Our check out Websitebuilder editor – This is where I created my Website to get word of my books out.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Yes, keep writing. No matter how hard it becomes or stressful; you are going to hate what you write and give up all hope – but someone out there is LOVING it. Create those pictures and live those emotions ; this is your world that you are creating – Live it.

What are you reading now?
I am currently reading Evermore!

What’s next for you as a writer?
I am working on getting my pieces of art out there – the process is going to be long but when I can hold my own book in my gasps it will be the best feeling. Lots of give aways and of course book signs.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The complete series of Vampire Academy by Richelle Read

Author Websites and Profiles
mckenzie stark Website
mckenzie stark Author Profile on Smashwords

mckenzie stark’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
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Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Bailey Quinn

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Bailey Quinn is my nom de plume for my crime and romance books. I write YA fiction as Carlyle Labuschagne from beautiful South Africa. Infallible is the first book under this name witched launched at a book signing event in USA Nashville at Utopia con. There after I took my books and did a signing gig in Paris. Bailey Quinn has only written one book so far.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Infallible was inspired by my two visits to New York city after taking my books on signing gig in the USA. The city was everything, everyone had ever said it would be. What stuck with me the most is the gorgeous architecture and interesting history. I knew I had to write about my connection to the city and so took to a binge of the popular crime series Castle. And the story of Scarlet Anna Martins, a South African detective working for the NYPD was born.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
When an idea or dialog strikes, and that can happen at any time.. I grab whatever is nearest and start writing. I have written pages of words on receipts before. Sometimes even using eyeliner on the back of a pamphlet before while in the bank line.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Now that is not a fair question to ask. I learn and am influenced by most things I read. But recently it would have to be Alex Kava for crime books.

What are you working on now?
As Bailey Quinn a darker science fiction twist into crime entailing the dealings with black market organ trafficking.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
My facebook page:
My instargram account:
My website:

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Keep writing, and do it everyday if you can.
Keep reading the types of books or the kinds of authors you admire.
Never give up. Write for yourself – never write to impress.
Get out of your comfort zone!

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Be patient, think long and hard about a story, your characters and what motivates them.

What are you reading now?
I am reading Curse of Kings by Alex Barclay

What’s next for you as a writer?
I’ve taken a year or two gap from traveling and book tours to concentrate on my kids, family and most importantly to write. I find reinvention for me is a good way to go. I can never stop improving or wanting to improve on my craft and finding taking time from social events will help me get back re connect with a deeper side of my writing.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I would take the three books from Cassandra Clare’s Clockwork trilogy.

Author Websites and Profiles
Bailey Quinn Website
Bailey Quinn Amazon Profile

Bailey Quinn’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
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Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Sym Jowers

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Boosey is actually my first published book…I have several manuscripts I am now working on and hope to publish soon.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My book is BOOSEY. I really can’t remember what inspired it. I do know that I wrote it around the late 1990’s and have just held onto it.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Not thatI know of.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I love to read Anne Rule.

What are you working on now?
I am working on another full length novel…Don’t have a name for it yet. I have one novel, also an oldie, but Have to dig it from storage.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write….Whatever comes to mind, jot it down..Doesn’t matter how it sounds, you can always piece it together later.

What are you reading now?

What’s next for you as a writer?
Hopefully publish something else soon.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Anne Rule books and this one book by Belva Plain: Her Father’s House…I have been trying to start this book forever!!

Author Websites and Profiles
Sym Jowers Author Profile on Smashwords


Awesome Author - D. M. Griffin

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hey there; I’m D. M. Griffin, an aspiring author currently in the process of releasing my first self-published novel, Call a Spade. I grew up and currently live in the state of Michigan in the United States. I come from a very large, very colorful family; my hobbies include singing and playing the guitar, reading, walking/hiking with my dogs, and playing strategy games. Aside from Call a Spade, I’ve written two other books, one which was tossed almost immediately upon being finished (my first real stab at a novel-length work) and one which is the first entry in a planned fantasy trilogy.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The name of my latest book is Call a Spade. Inspiration came from many sources; first and foremost was my mother, who passed away in 2016 from cancer. She always possessed a strong sense of personal principle and was often honest to the point of being blunt, usually because she meant the best for whoever she was speaking to and didn’t shirk back from saying what needed to be said. I respect that more and more about her with every passing day.

At the time I wrote Call a Spade, I was also heavily influenced by the atmosphere of the U.S. presidential election. While I wrote Call a Spade first and foremost as a story, and had no intention to make it “political”, I also didn’t hide my thoughts about fascism and aspirations of tyranny, and it certainly wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to discern that my President Wolfe was rather heavily influenced by then-candidate Trump.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Not that I know of, but if you ask my fiancé you might get a different answer entirely.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I’ve been influenced by more authors than I can name, but here are a few of the most memorable: J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Orson Scott Card, Stephen Donaldson, George R. R. Martin, Anne Rice, J. K. Rowling, Douglas Adams, and Stephen King.

What are you working on now?
I’m working a spin-off sequel to Call a Spade as well as the second entry in a fantasy trilogy.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m just starting out at all this. Right now I’m performing the promotional equivalent of throwing as much shit as I can at the wall to see what sticks. Wish me luck.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Keep writing, especially after you’ve decided whatever you’re working on is garbage. Learning to formulate and execute a plot takes time, and in the end you’ll be proud you had the courage to make mistakes.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
In honor of my mother: Don’t be afraid to call a spade a spade.

What are you reading now?
The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan

What’s next for you as a writer?
If I can survive the next month of promotion and finger-crossing, I’ll let you know!

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Silmarillion
The Stand
Watership Down
The Swiss Family Robinson

Author Websites and Profiles
D. M. Griffin Website
D. M. Griffin Amazon Profile
D. M. Griffin Author Profile on Smashwords

D. M. Griffin’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
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Awesome Author - Keith Maderer

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I write books that offer single solutions to common financial problems that we all face as part of my K.I.S.S.S. – Keeping It Simple Single Solutions Series of books. I have written 7 books so far and continue to write new ones based on questions and concerns from clients, readers, and blog comments.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Your Super 7 Life Success Team – is my latest book. It was inspired by small business owners and entrepreneurs that make life and business harder because they don’t know how to or who to ask for the kind of help they need to grow and prosper.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I get up each morning, work out, then write a minimum of 200 words each day. Then I do a “brain dump” of ideas about the current and future books that I have in the works. Some are great… others are not so great.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Steve Scott and Hal Elrod’s – Miracle Morning for Writers
Ryan Levesque’s – ASK

What are you working on now?
I have several additional Single Solution financial titles that I have outlined and continue to take them one at a time to write, edit and complete. This includes 2 additional books in my Cut Wedding Costs series. Several in my College Financial Aid Series and another motivational book for young entrepreneurs.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I try to upload FREE promotions to many of the promotional websites and follow up with my own twitter, facebook, Pinterest and linked in posts.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Just keeping sharing your ideas and adding value to the world in your own way. If you wait for perfection, it never arrives.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
It is better out there for the world to see… than in your head, which cannot be read.

What are you reading now?
Several books on marketing and video content.

What’s next for you as a writer?
Keep writing while enjoying life and family. Experiences create great stories which can lead to wonderful book ideas.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Probably something on survival techniques and meditation.

Author Websites and Profiles
Keith Maderer Website
Keith Maderer Amazon Profile

Keith Maderer’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
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Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Salome Abdaladze

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Well, I am 23 years old, Georgian by nationality , but have been living in Greece for the last 8 years. I finished my education here after adapting and learning language at the best of my abilities in a year. Right now I am holding Bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy and am planning on continuing my studies. Since I have always loved writing I wanted to try writing a book, and did so whilst studying for my final years exams. Surprisingly it helped me unwind and relax and got me through the exams with excellent results. This is my first book and it’s named the ” Rahena”. It’s in the process of being published as of yet.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The love for mythology gave me the ideas for the book . It had always been my favorite subject along with History.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
If I start writing, I forget food , sleep. I don’t even change position . I can write for hours without stopping.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I have read a lot of books, I found them all inspiring since all of them had an element that made the whole book what it was.

What are you working on now?
The next installation for the ” Rahena”.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Well I am starting just now, I hope fellow writers will help me out since I am in the dark for the most part. On the other hand I will do my best and won’t wait for the success to come to me. Hard work always pays off in the end, in my opinion.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Since I am as new as it gets, I would advice them to never give up on a book. Work on it, develop it but never give up if it’s your dream. Dreams are to be achieved , not for them to be lost and forgotten.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
From my mother. ” You make yourself. Plan for everything, and never lose confidence, even bleakest of times. ”

What are you reading now?
” The Island ”, by Victoria Hislop.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I hope to develop more as a writer, and offer the best to those who love reading and books as much as I do.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Alexander Kazbegi : ” Elguja”, ” Patricide”, ” Sherlock Holmes” and ” Queen Margo”.

Salome Abdaladze’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile


Awesome Author - Project Libertus

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Project Libertus is an initiative created by Millennials, designed to inspire and drive our generation to lead lives of fulfilment in this age of innovation and entrepreneurship.
In short, we’re here to teach people the proven mindsets and the methodologies behind generating passive income and attaining a healthy success-driven mind so that they can travel the world, own the car and house of their dreams, all while leading the happiest and healthiest lifestyle attainable in this day and age.
One of the regrettable truths of modern society is the fact that most people do not spend any time investing in themselves. The masses simply live life and do the best they can as they go along. If an athlete had this mindset and went into a race without any prior training, or if a student went into an exam with absolutely no prior study on the subject, they would never be expected to succeed.
What most people fail to realise is that the same concept applies to life, and to creating the life of your dreams. If you want freedom, dedicate time researching how to attain it. If you want happiness, study the happiest people in the world.
We believe that the acquisition and application of knowledge is the true key to success in virtually any endeavour. Thus, it is at the core of everything Project Libertus stands for. It is because of this, that many of our efforts revolve around compiling knowledge from all around the world to collate the ultimate collection of personal development eBooks. By acquiring your copy of this eBook by Project Libertus, you are investing primarily in yourself, and taking one step closer to securing your future freedom and fulfilment.

We currently have written 5 books, with more to come!

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The Procrastination Cure: Skyrocket Productivity, Attain Success, Gain Superior Time Management, & Kick Procrastination For Good (Freedom In All Things Book 1)

We are all about helping people, and in many lifes of the people around us, they were too busy procrastinating in the modern world. We wrote this book to help people stop that

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Tony Robbins

What are you working on now?
More Self-Help Books


What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Dont stop believing, Show passion


Author Websites and Profiles
Project Libertus Website

Project Libertus’s Social Media Links
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Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Charlene Raddon

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
To date, I have written ten books, but only seven are published. My first five books were published by Kensington Books in the 1990s. In 2012 they were electronically published by Tirgearr Publishing. At present, I am an Indie author. All my books are available at Amazon. I hope to have two more books published in 2017.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is Love’s Race to the Future. The story is set at a fictitious ghost town in Idaho. A visit to Silver City, Idaho, last year, prompted the book idea.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I generally spend all day, every day, at the computer but much of my time is spent on email and promotional efforts which cut into my writing time. I am, instinctively, a pantser, but find I have better results by plotting before I begin to type. I do character sketches and research my location, as well as learning what I can about what my characters have done and will do for a living. I like to visit the locations I write about and tend to set stories in places I’m familiar with. You can learn a lot by reading about locations, but you can’t smell the flowers or feel the wind on your face.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I have been greatly influenced by A.B. Guthrie, Larry McMurtry, Nora Roberts, Elizabeth Lowell, Penelope Williamson and Lucia St. Clair Robson. I’ve read and been influenced by a great many more authors than can be listed here.

What are you working on now?
My current WIP is a novella for a series called Rocky Mountain Romances which will be due out in July. The setting is Sheridan, Wyoming and the story centers around the beginnings of the rodeo and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I try many methods and websites. I believe the best advertisement is word of mouth, but people can’t talk about your work if they don’t read it, so it must be promoted.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Take into consideration that publishing will change your life. Writing will take prevalence over everything else, and once you are published your workload triples. This is especially true for Indie authors. When I first published, I was shocked by all the new tasks I had to do. Writing is only part of an author’s work. If you publish with a traditional publisher, you also give up a good deal of freedom over what you write. They are your employer and you write what they want.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Write what you love

What are you reading now?
I am currently reading a romance by Linda Broday

What’s next for you as a writer?
The next book, then another book, and another.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I’d bring Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry, The Way West by A. B. Guthrie, the latest book by Lynn Kurland and a large research book on the old west.

Author Websites and Profiles
Charlene Raddon Website
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Awesome Author - Michael Rathburn

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I have been involved in fantasy sports for almost 25 years and starting writing about 7 years ago. This is my 1st book – The Daily Fantasy Baseball Almanac.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The Daily Fantasy Baseball Almanac. It was inspired by Bill James, BaseballHQ, and Phil Steele. All 3 have published very successful stat based books or magazines. I wanted to bring the same type of data to the daily fantasy baseball community which has not been done before.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I try to write about things that no one else has or is doing. Also, I try to look at things from the perspective of the reader. Every book or article I write has the theme of trying to get someone to say “everytime I read his work, I learn something new”.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Bill James, Ron Shandler, Phil Steele

What are you working on now?
I’m working on publishing an update to the Daily Fantasy Sports Almanac that will come out during the mid way point of the 2017 Baseball season.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Gumroad has been a great site and Twitter.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write what you are passionate about. Thank everyone who buys a book.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Stay humble.


If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
anything from Bill James or Malcolm Gladwell or Seth Godin.

Author Websites and Profiles
Michael Rathburn Website

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Awesome Author - Morgan Smith

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I came late to writing – I had a kind of wandering career path that eventually led into archaeology.

A Spell in the Country was written on a dare, and it wasn’t supposed to go anywhere, but here I am with two other books out (another fantasy novel, “Casting in Stone”, and a memoir of my hippie childhood, called “Flashbacks: an unreliable memoir of the 60s”) and two more books at the halfway point.

I guess there’s a lot of ways to become a writer.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Casting in Stone is a kind of prequel to A Spell in the Country, and it was inspired by a completely off-the-cuff half of a sentence I threw into that first book, and then could not (literally could not) stop thinking about.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I write in a semi-prone position in bed. It stems from when I was living and studying in the UK, and my room was really tiny, so I lay in bed with my laptop to write my MA thesis, and it was just so darn comfy.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I think the one book that really influenced me – or at least, taught me about structuring a novel – was “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen.

It’s amazing, because the turning point of the book is the proposal from Mr. Darcy, and no matter what edition, what font, what page size your copy is in, that occurs at almost the exact halfway point.

It taught me how to pace a novel, but so effortlessly that I had no idea she was teaching me anything at all.

What are you working on now?
My current WIP is called “The Shades of Winter” and it’s kind of a fantasy take on Norse/Viking culture and what happens when a group of aging warrior go off on one last raid and get a whole lot more than they bargained for.

Mostly, it was inspired by my interest and research into the Viking Age, and from a friend who said “Why are all the main characters in fantasy novels so young?”

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I think the thing that helps me the most of all is when someone reads a book and tells their friends about it.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Work hard at writing the best you can and then hire a professional editor. Not your mom, not your high school English teacher, not your boyfriend. A stranger who wants the *book* to be great, and doesn’t care if they hurt your feelings in the process.

And then grow a thick skin. The book is not you – it’s part of you, but critique of the book is not critique of you personally.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“Keep writing!”

What are you reading now?
“Rise of the Nazil by Aaron Michael Hall (for adults only, there’s some tough stuff in there) and “American Gods” by Neil Gaiman.

What’s next for you as a writer?
Finishing up “Shades” and then finishing “The Mourning Rose” which is a kind of “regency romance/fantasy” novel I started because of a writing prompt in a writers’ group.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I can’t – no…Neil Gaiman says that’s like choosing which body parts you think you can’t do without.

I read a lot, and there’s always new stuff to discover.

Author Websites and Profiles
Morgan Smith Website
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Awesome Author - Gayle Katz

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hello! My name is Gayle and I’m the author of the Grounded Girl’s Guide book series. So far I have four books in the series and they’re all focused around helping people, just like you and me, deal with difficult people and situations in their everyday lives.

I’ve personally been dealing with difficult people at home and at work my entire life (40+ years). In that time, I’ve learned through trial and error how to maintain my sanity, keep going, and live a great life.

You can learn more about me and grab your free gift by visiting

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is called Baby? Maybe?: How You Can Decide Between Motherhood and a Childfree Life. I didn’t get married until later in life, but even then my mother always assumed I would have kids. The problem was I wasn’t sure I wanted them.

Instead of staying stuck, I created a thoughtful decision-making process to help me decide. After conducting an informal survey, I found most of my female friends never decided to have kids. They believed it was just something you do as a woman. With that knowledge, I decided to publish the journey I went through in order to make my decision.

The challenge will be to get people to consider the decision of having kids just as thoughtfully as they consider the decision of which car to buy.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Not that I know of.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Who Moved My Cheese? is a book that inspired me to change my life for the better. Life is constantly moving and you’ve got to keep up. You can either stay unhappy and let people walk all over you or you can build your self-confidence and self-esteem and keep moving forward.

What are you working on now?
I’m working on additional books in the Grounded Girl’s Guide series, such as how to get over a breakup. Who hasn’t been there, right?

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
To be honest, while I have 40+ years of life experiences to share, I’m new to publishing and being an author. I’m still working on what works best to promote my books. I’m always open to suggestions and always willing to try something new.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t quit your day job. 🙂

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Never look back. Keep moving forward!

What are you reading now?
Right now I’m reading Laura Carroll’s The Baby Matrix as well as all the books in the Temperance Brennan series of mystery/thriller books by Kathy Reichs.

What’s next for you as a writer?
All I can tell you right now is that I’m working on my first fiction book and it’s a new twist on the classic zombie apocalypse story.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Hmmm. That’s a tough one. Here are the ones I’d pick in no particular order:
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
The Hobbit + The Lord of the Rings series
Anything by Chuck Palahniuk
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Author Websites and Profiles
Gayle Katz Website
Gayle Katz Amazon Profile

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Awesome Author - Sereta Belgrave

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I was born in Barbados, which is located in the Caribbean. I also lived in the United States. Previously worked in the banking industry and subsequently in Administration in Government. Though a graduate of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados, specifically a Bachelor of Science in Management Studies, deep within me there has always been the desire to gravitate toward the Humanities as I am a people’s person. I have learned that my interest in people in general and the various situations that can and do occur can truly be demonstrated and accomplished through writing. This is my first book and I do intend to continue writing fiction.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The name of my Book is Growing Up In Barbados. It is a coming of age tale where the fictional character is molested as a child, and details the challenging and ominous situations that occurred as a young woman, due mainly to that unfortunate childhood experience. In terms of inspiration, I am also a graduate of the Institute for General & Development Studies, which is a Division of The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados where I obtained qualification in Gender Studies. My Thesis/Paper for that program was on Dysfunctional and Deviant Behavior in teens. To get an accurate assessment, I interviewed a specific sample of girls and a slightly smaller sample of boys who displayed such behaviors. Unfortunately, the majority of them had been molested over a period of time during their formative years.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I am not sure if my habit is unusual, but writing fiction, placed my brain in ‘over drive’. I would be consumed with these different thoughts particularly late at night, and would literally jump out of bed rush to my Study, to scribble/add my thoughts, and formalized them the next morning.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I like Danielle Steel. The influence would be to be able to write at least one third of the books she has written so far. I find that is so amazing! The same can be said about James Patterson also.

What are you working on now?
Right now I am simply working diligently on getting Growing Up In Barbados ‘out there’ to the entire world. It not only speaks to the effects of molestation, but it highlights my country Barbados in a very positive way.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
As I said earlier, it is one book. My website for sure, has all the details. My publishers website is http://www. However a page on my website leads directly to Xlibris Publishing. They are also promoting my book Growing Up In Barbados in five countries, namely the U.S.A. Canada, the U.K. Australia and New Zealand. I am hopeful that it would be a positive outcome for me, and my thanks and appreciation to them. Of course I am on Twitter at Then there is Amazon, everyone knows of Amazon! The link is

Do you have any advice for new authors?
My only advice would be that they remain focused. There will ultimately be an end once that approach is taken.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
The one that stands out for me, and I quote Mahatma Gandhi “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” And that’s how I live my life. I must do something constructive at all times. When I am finished with one ‘project’, I must move on too another – which might be totally unrelated to the one I have just completed. It amazes me when I see people – for example some young men in my country just ‘liming on the block’, day after day. I consider that a total waste of precious life.

What are you reading now?
I have started Emancipation Day by Wayne Grady and The Woman Upstairs by Claire Messud.. I must admit my progress has been restricted. As alluded to earlier, my focus right now is on my book promotion.

What’s next for you as a writer?
My ultimate goal is to see Growing Up In Barbados on the big screen. I have recently completed a Screen Play adaptation of this book, which was very time consuming, but I am hopeful that this will become a reality. I would love to get the opportunity to share it with Producers ‘out there’ for their consideration.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
My first pick would be The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins. I congratulate and salute Ms. Hawkins on this achievement. I would take Journey by Danielle Steel. Excellent work every time as I alluded to earlier. The third one for me believe it or not would be Growing Up In Barbados. After I had written this book, I literally shed tears for the main character Louise. It was very surreal! Sadly there are many more similar situations.

Author Websites and Profiles
Sereta Belgrave Website

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