News and interviews from authors about their writing and promotion methods

25% Off. Coupon Expiring Soon

Published: Thu, 05/16/24

Book Promotion Coupon Hi Awesome Author The Awesome Author Academy is live and just got its 2000 newsletter signup. This website is for authors that…

Introducing the Awesome Author Academy

Published: Fri, 05/10/24

Book Promotion Coupon Hi Awesome Author I have been building something for authors for a few months now that I think you will enjoy. Our new site…

Only 21 more Uses for Our 25% Celebrate May Coupon

Published: Thu, 05/02/24

Updated: Thu, 05/02/24

Book Promotion Coupon Hi Awesome Author This week we are celebrating the month of May. After all it has a Holiday for Moms so that makes it a great…

Our Earth Week Coupon is Live Save 25%

Published: Thu, 04/25/24

Book Promotion Coupon Hi Awesome Author Earth day was Monday! I think the Earth deserves more than one day. That’s why this week I’m making it earth…

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