New API Feature: Broadcast Statistics

Published: Thu, 01/17/13

Pull stats into your apps.
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What's New On The AWeber API


We'd like to start off the new year with new features in the API. The broadcast statistics feature is very popular with most AWeber users, so we've created a way for you to query those stats for your apps.

  Including Reports On Broadcast Performance

We've added many of the statistics you can see when you review a sent broadcast AWeber to the API. Each broadcast campaign entry now has a stats collection you can query for aggregate statistics such as unique and total opens, unique and total clicks and sales.

Looking to add pretty graphs to your app?

Our hourly and daily stats will give you the data you need for various aggregate stats for the first 24 hours or 14 days after your broadcast was sent.

You can also pull the top 10 most responsive subscribers, as well as the most-clicked links and the most-visited of the pages you're tracking.

Our Reference Docs list what statistics are available. You can also refer to our Code Samples or our Broadcast Statistics Example App.

 Sample Code And An AWesome Sample App

Click To See Sample App Since you can do a lot with these stats, we wanted to take things to the next level and publish a fully functional PHP app you can download to see them in action.

The app is simple, and just displays the most useful stats and graphs over time with an elegant UI.

You can download the entire app here or check out the actual source code.

Feel free to borrow the ideas of the sample in your own applications.

  Some Recommendations For Stats Apps

JQuery and JQPlot are good options for quickly adding graphs to your page, but you should be able to do this with just about any graphing library.

It's a good idea to incorporate some kind of caching in your app. This helps users save on bandwidth for mobile devices and makes your app more mobile-responsive as well.

Give your users the ability to refresh this data on demand or during a time that makes sense in your app.

Broadcast stats will be available 1 hour after a broadcast has sent. Typically they show up faster, but can be delayed up to an hour due to various Internet conditions.

Happy hacking, and thanks again for choosing AWeber!

  Tom Kulzer
  CEO & Founder

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