November Updates to the AWeber API

Published: Fri, 11/13/15

Important updates to keep on your radar

Defining Campaigns & Documenting All the Things!

Life is better when things are easier, aren’t they? We agree 100%, and that’s why we’ve been working hard to improve the experience for our developers and customers. Here are the latest updates to keep on your radar:

  • Sorting and Documenting Collections
    Any collection we send back to you will now be sorted and documented to make it easier for you to track your data. This includes collection responses for Broadcasts, Clicks, Custom Fields, Messages and more. You can find the full list of Collections outlined here, under “Documentation.”
  • Pagination Control Documentation
    The pagination control parameters ws.size and ws.start are now documented within the API, making it easier for you to navigate your data. You can find this information about pagination documentation within each collection description.
  • Clarifying the Term “Campaigns” in the API
    Last month, we launched a beta version of our new email automation platform, Campaigns, to customers. The Campaigns email automation platform within AWeber is not currently supported by the AWeber API.

    Within the API, however, “campaigns” will continue be defined as a collection of follow up or broadcast emails. As updates are made to the platform and terminology, we’ll let you know as soon as possible.


To stay up to date on all the latest AWeber API info, visit the API Changelog.

Meghan N. Product Manager

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