Supporting Tags with AWeber? Let us promote your app!

Published: Tue, 10/18/16

We want to promote your app!
Hey ,

Before I kick things off, I just wanted to quickly introduce myself as Jake Wallace, AWeber’s new Business Development Manager for Integrations. You’ll be hearing from me a lot moving forward, and I’m excited for our opportunities to grow together and serve our mutual audiences! Now, let’s get into things...

In July, we sent out the exciting news that the AWeber API supports our email automation platform, Campaigns.

Using the API, you can now add, update, or delete tags. AWeber customers can then create automated email sequences (called campaigns) which can be triggered by specific tags.

This functionality will allow your applications to trigger smart, contextual emails from AWeber when a subscriber is added, or when a subscriber record is updated.

We outlined a bit more about how to add this functionality in that email, which you can read here. Let me know if you need assistance.

To promote applications that support tags, we’re in the process of preparing a blog post and announcement to our customers.  If your application is currently supporting tags, reply to this email and let me know, and we’ll feature you in that list!

You will join the ranks of some of our most popular applications that support tags, like SumoMe, Optin Cat, Wishloop, JustUno and AWtomator. As we get to know your app and the value it provides, there may be additional opportunities for co-promotion and growth.

Have questions, need some help building in tag support? Just reply this email and we’ll set a meeting to get the ball rolling. I’d love to learn more about your app.
Jake W. Business Development Manager, Integrations
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