AWeber customers 💙 tags! Is your app ready?

Published: Thu, 03/02/17

Level up your AWeber integration

Hi ,

Last summer, we introduced the ability for customers to tag subscribers via the API. Some of our integrations already support tags, and I encourage you to update your app to do the same!

As we continue to expand the functionality of tagging, our customers are looking to their integrations to support it so they can send better emails.

Tags allow customers to do things like:

  • Trigger targeted, automated campaigns to subscribers
  • Quickly and easily create advanced subscriber segments
  • Send hyper-targeted broadcast emails to subscribers
  • Increase email engagement (like opens and clicks) by sending subscribers more relevant content
  • Organize their list based on tags
For more information on our API Tag endpoint and how to update your app, please reply back to this email.

I look forward to connecting with you!
Jake W., Business Development Manager - Integrations
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