Published: Sun, 06/22/14

New Post on Alain Elkann Interviews.

This interview with Amos Gitai took place in my flat in London. It was a cool night of late June, Amos was relaxed and with his wife Rivka. We spoke about cinema, Israeli politics and Amos was going to Edinburgh, where he is President of the Jury of the International Film Festival.

Amos, you are in post production of your new film "Tsili", after the Aharon Appelfeld novel. Is it true that the film is spoken in Yiddish? Why?

The question of adaptation of a literary text to cinema is not that obvious. A good text does not need a film. So if you decide to adapt it you have to look for the parameters in which cinema can dialogue with literature, like two autonomous media. Appelfeld, like in all of his work, is looking into his memory. He wrote the text in Hebrew because, as he explained it, he could not write literature in German because it is the language of his mother's killers......................... 

Please read the full interview with Amos Gitai by clicking the following link: http://alainelkanninterviews.com/amos-gitai/
