[New Post] JEFFREY SACHS, Director of The Earth Institute

Published: Sun, 11/02/14



"The environmental challenge is unprecedented.

It is at global and dire scale for the first time in human history."


Professor Jeffrey Sachs is Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. He reveals his hopes and fears and tells Alain that he sees a real opportunity to point the world economy on a new trajectory of sustainable development in 2015.

The controversial author of The End of Poverty gave early warning about the need for much less funding than is now required to prevent the current Ebola crisis. He is also highly critical of some US foreign policies that he sees as being: "simply dangerous, wrong-headed, and provocative.....The US opened the way for ISIS. That seems absurd but it’s sadly true."

In this interview it is clear how strongly Professor Sachs believes that humankind is now at a fatal crossroads. He sees the urgent need to make a choice, "between a path of sustainable development – meaning the end of poverty, reduced inequality, and environmental protection – or a path of rising inequality, pockets of deep poverty, and environmental ruin."

You can read the full interview at http://alainelkanninterviews.com/jeffrey-sachs/

This week there is a new short story by Alain called Anton, an infuriating conversation with an all-too-familiar representative of bureaucracy. You can download Anton and a selection of other short stories for free at: http://alainelkanninterviews.com/alain-elkann/short-stories/
