[New Interview] Amos Gitai, Israeli filmmaker

Published: Sun, 10/04/15


 "Rabin, The Last Day." Amos Gitai, Israeli filmmaker, September 2015. 

Amos Gitai is releasing his latest film "Rabin, The Last Day" on November 4th, 2015, when it will be shown in Tel Aviv, just yards away from where Rabin was shot. This is the 20th anniversary of the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
Amos Gitai is very concerned by the direction in which Israel is heading, and his film reveals the dark and frightening side of Israeli society that made this tragic deed possible.
You can watch clips from Amos' film and read his thoughts on the current state of Israel at:- http://alainelkanninterviews.com/amos-gitai-2/
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