Happy Thanks for Giving Day!

Published: Thu, 11/26/15

Happy Thanks for Giving Day!

Preparing for the holiday we celebrate in North America as Thanksgiving, I am reminded that giving thanks is not a once a year holiday. Mind you, I look forward to getting together with my family and friends to !n-joy a scrumptious feast. I crave the time we spend gathering around the table and sharing good times together. And I'm not sure we could or would want to duplicate the preparation necessary to pull off this feat on an everyday basis.

We can however extend the intention we express on this day any and every day. Our capacity for love, compassion and giving is embedded in our soul awaiting its unlimited expression. There is so much to be grateful for that we could use every moment of every day to convey it. There are so many more ways we can be giving thanks beyond what we are expressing now.
What is one way you can express your unconditional gratitude and love today? Who can you give thanks to today? Let's start the daily giving of thanks and love to those we are great-full for especially ourselves. !n-joy!


The Peace Maker

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