This Week's Peace Maker Pondering + A Special Announcement!

Published: Thu, 12/17/15

Who’s that knocking at your door?

Do you pay attention to signs that are before you or do you write them off as a coincidence or maybe not even notice?

I was facilitating a divorce mediation and noticed a banging sound.  Not knowing where it was coming from, this caught my attention as it was very unusual to be happening during the session.  I realized something was trying to get my attention.  Using this insight, I was able to listen more attentively in the mediation and helped guide the parties to a peaceful resolution.

Life has a funny way of knowing whether you are paying attention or being present.  Are there times that your door is knocking but you don’t hear it or maybe you hear it but don’t answer? Life is waiting to express itself through you and is always inviting you to play. Are you ready to answer the door when it knocks?

I am offering a complimentary end of year discovery session to explore how you can participate more in life, move on from any pain you may be experiencing from divorce, relationship conflict or simply feeling stuck to finally living with more peace. What a perfect way to kick off the New Year! I have a few spots available so if you’re interested in this FREE discovery session, click here to schedule.

Save the date for my FREE teleclass January 13, 2016 at 8PM EST where we will be exploring:
  • how to get clear on what you want your life to look like
  • why resilience is so important in making changes
  • what is necessary to stay the course of the New You
Stay tuned for more details in the next few weeks on how you sign up for this FREE teleclass on becoming the New You in the New Year! !n-joy!


The Peace Maker

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