Pain is Inevitable…Suffering is Optional…Really?

Published: Tue, 01/12/16

Pain is Inevitable…Suffering is Optional…Really?

"The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering."
Ben Okri

I'm sure all of us have heard this quote at one time or another, I know I sure have.  It made me stop and think about its meaning and whether it was really true or not.  So let's break it down into two statements - the 1st is "pain is inevitable" - I guess it depends on what type of pain we're talking about. If it's physical pain, I guess it would be true that at some point we will probably experience some form of it whether it be through an accident, a fall, playing sports etc. What about emotional pain?  The loss of a person or relationship or letting go of something. I'm sure most of us have experienced these moments in our life however how we handle these situations will decide whether they cause us pain or not and how much.

So what about suffering - is suffering really optional? This is a really good question to ask. By optional, this means we have a choice of whether or not we are to experience the feeling of suffering. And if we have the choice, who would choose suffering? Not I and probably not yourself either.  However I am probably also not going out on a limb by saying that all of us have suffered in some shape or form. How could this happen to us if we have a choice? Maybe we didn't know we had one to begin with. Now we're getting somewhere!

So based on what we've explored I've discovered a new way to look at pain and suffering. Pain is optional...suffering is not necessary.  I think pain is optional when it comes to emotional pain. How we handle emotional situations and the choices we make will go a long way to whether we experience pain during those times.  As far as suffering goes, it really is not necessary.  Even if we do experience emotional pain, we have a choice as to whether this will cause us to suffer. How we handle losses, disappointment and sadness will decide if we will suffer from these moments in our life. If you would like to learn how to live by the mantra "Pain is Optional, Suffering is Not Necessary", I have something special for you.

This New Year is an extraordinary opportunity to revisit old beliefs, create new ones that reflect a New You and move forward from the pain you're experiencing to have the peace that you were meant to !n-joy!

If you are ready to get off the treadmill of your past, I invite you to attend my FREE teleclass "Happy New Year Happy New You - Change Your "BS" in 2016". This FREE 1 hour experience will change the way you look at life and change the way life looks at you. You will not want to miss this amazing opportunity to transform the way you think and the way you live. For everyone who attends, I will share a few amazing bonuses as a thank you for stepping up to the plate and standing up for a New You in the New Year.

If you have not signed up, click here and take the next step to kick off 2016 and the rest of your life.


The Peace Maker

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