Fire Services Restructure

Published: Thu, 05/18/17

Fire Services Restructure

Dear ,

Please see below for an important VFBV update to members regarding the Fire Services Restructure. 

For the latest updates; please refer to the VFBV website
Fire Service Structure 
Members would be hearing via the media this morning, that the Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister James Merlino have announced a major restructure of Victoria's Fire Services. We have not been provided with any details or information and are learning everything as you are via the media. Comments by Minister Merlino that VFBV has been consulted about these changes are false and misleading. VFBV CEO has requested an urgent meeting with Minister Merlino today - and this is scheduled to occur this afternoon. This will be the first and only detail provided by the Minister to the VFBV regarding these structural changes to date.

As soon as we have details, we will make them available.

The decision of the Andrews State Cabinet to ram through changes to Victoria’s fire services without public and CFA volunteer consultation disregards Victoria’s community safety needs.

It is simply bad government.

Under the CFA Act volunteers must be fully consulted on any proposed change by government that affects their organisation, operations, service delivery, support and rights, before any decision is made. This ensures decisions are made based on all aspects of community safety. Today’s decision has never been a matter discussed or subject of consultation with CFA volunteers, which is a legal requirement of the CFA Act.

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