Urgent Call for Submissions/Comments to Senate Inquiry

Published: Wed, 09/07/16

Urgent Call for Submissions/Comments to Senate Inquiry

Dear ,

Volunteers have been invited to provide comments to the Senate Committee looking into proposed Federal legislation to protect the volunteer based CFA and other volunteer based emergency services from industrial interference.

The deadline for submissions and comments is tight, they must be in by 12 September, but the process is easy – they are being accepted by email.

See below for the details.

For the latest updates; please refer to the VFBV website www.vfbv.com.au
Send an Email Today - Support Legislation to Protect our Volunteer Based CFA
The proposed Federal legislation to protect the volunteer based CFA and other volunteer based emergency services from industrial interference is now being examined by a Senate Committee.

The Senate Committee is encouraging volunteers to send in submissions/comments by 12 September 2016 – send them to [email protected] (see the message from the Senate Committee below)

Submissions can be a simple email to show your support, or a detailed submission on what’s at stake and why the legislation is so important.

The Senate Committee will recommend whether Parliament should support the legislation or not.

There is more information below, or see the VFBV website item on the Federal Government’s Volunteer Protection Amendments to the Fair Work Act.

See below for the Senate Committee’s invitation to volunteers.

More Information 
Click here for our 22 August Update to Members, which explains the volunteers’ concerns and the need for the Federal legislation. (if the Click Here link doesn’t work, see below)

The proposed Federal legislation would make a simple change to the Fair Work Act, making it objectionable for workplace agreements to restrict or limit the emergency service organisation’s (in our case CFA) ability to:
  • engage or deploy its volunteers;
  • provide support or equipment to those volunteers;
  • manage its relationship with, or work with, any recognised emergency management body in relation to those volunteers;
  • otherwise manage its operations in relation to those volunteers;
The legislation will also provide an ability for volunteers, through bodies such as VFBV, to make submissions to Fair Work Australia in respect of these issues if we have any concerns.

The Enterprise Bargaining Agreement - Key matters of concern
Current Commonwealth industrial law means that if the CFA/United Firefighters Union Enterprise Bargaining Agreement is registered:
  • The powers of the Chief Officer will be overridden;
  • The union will be given power of veto on issues affecting volunteer based and fully integrated organisation, operations and support;
  • Volunteer consultation rights under the CFA Volunteer Charter will be restricted; 
  • Other clauses in the EBA that are contrary to the CFA Act will apply; and
  • Volunteers will be treated as second class just because they are not paid.
Message from Senate Committee Chair, Senator Bridget McKenzie
Dear CFA Volunteers,

Just last week, the Federal Government introduced legislation to protect CFA volunteers from a proposal put forward by the Victorian Government together with the United Firefighters Union.

It is apparent that many CFA members think this proposal discriminates against their rights and role as a volunteer.  The former Board of the CFA agreed and were subsequently sacked by the Victorian Government for raising their concerns. The Minister responsible for the CFA, Jane Garrett, was also forced to resign because she could not support the proposal.

Given the seriousness of this issue, the Federal Government has acted quickly to introduce legislation that seeks to protect volunteers and bring this dispute to an end.  This legislation - the Fair Work Amendment (Respect for Emergency Services Volunteers) Bill 2016 has been referred to the Senate Employment Committee for an inquiry.  This inquiry will take submissions from people who have been impacted by the proposal.

After considering the submissions, the Committee will then make a recommendation on whether the Parliament should support the legislation.

As Chair of this Senate Committee I am inviting you, and other CFA volunteers, to make a submission.

Submissions can be as short or as long as you like and can be emailed to [email protected]

The deadline for submission is 12 September 2016.  This is your chance to have your say, in your own words. The committee and I look forward to hearing from you.


Bridget McKenzie
Senator for Victoria
Chair, Education and Employment Legislation Committee
Get the latest news
Download the latest Joint Committee Two Minute Briefings here.

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