Teamwork makes the Dreamwork!

Published: Fri, 07/10/15

Quite literally ten minutes ago,

I was out in the backyard hanging

out a load of washing, when we

noticed that both Jasper and Charlotte,

(aged 7), were painting a very pretty

design on a cardboard box that our

new coffee machine came in the

other day.

Their mother Margaret, was really

impressed by the way they were

working together, because let’s

face it, kids don’t always do that…

To which I replied:

Hey guy’s, Teamwork makes the Dreamwork!

Which instantly gave me the idea

for today’s email.

I got to thinking about how it

really doesn’t matter who’s

team someone joins in the

EMP Community, because

there is a staggering amount

of expertise on offer to

every single EMP affiliate via

the private FB group and G+

community too.

In short, all the leaders that

are really taking action and

making it happen, freely share

how and why it’s working so

others who might be struggling
a little, can simply model what

is working here and now.

I have to tell you, It’s something

that I will always be taking advantage

of, as I see it as an incredibly valuable

resource to be able to access around

the clock 24/7…


Before I go any further at

this point, I simply wanted

to point out that EMP is

“certainly not” a multi level

compensation model that

everyone automatically

thinks will make them

rich overnight with little

or no work at all.

In fact, EMP is completely the


Having said that, I can say that

YES, there is a residual income

component, but it only goes one

level deep.  

It’s actually all about gaining

the necessary skills to be

able to go out into the

world and completely dominate

any market whatsoever.

Truthfully, that’s what excites

me about it.

Also, and because you will only

work with the people that

you personally enrol, not a

bunch of complete strangers

that you depend on to take

action and make income for

your business.

What a complete joke that

business model is IMHO..

Access full details here…

Once again, Thanks so much

for reading and as I always say…

Ciao for Now!  

Lewis White

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