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Published: Tue, 03/23/21

Book Goodies

Enjoy today's selection of books!
The Reformer: A Novel Based on the Life of Martin Luther by Maysam Yabandeh

What Nazi Germany did to the Jews did not happen overnight. Although the historians differ on the origin, some argue that the foundation for it was built by the writings and deeds of perhaps the most influential reformer of the millennium, Martin Luther. This novel is a journey through his life to give us historical facts as well as insights into his reformation. Whether or not the events of his lifetime could have influenced the Holocaust is left for the reader to decide. The monologues are verbatim copies from Luther’s books, articles, and sermons. Preserving historical accuracy has been the chief goal in formulating conversations missing from recorded history.

Targeted Age Group:: 13-90

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
This is an attempt to shed some light on the complex and at some points self-contradictory character of Martin Luther, the great protestant reformer.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
It is based on the life of Martin Luther.

Links to Purchase Print Books
Buy The Reformer: A Novel Based on the Life of Martin Luther Print Edition at Amazon

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Listen to a sample of Audiobook at Amazon
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Links to Purchase eBooks – Click links for book samples and reviews
Buy The Reformer: A Novel Based on the Life of Martin Luther On Amazon
Buy The Reformer: A Novel Based on the Life of Martin Luther on Barnes and Noble/Nook
Buy The Reformer: A Novel Based on the Life of Martin Luther on Smashwords
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Buy The Reformer: A Novel Based on the Life of Martin Luther on Google Play
Buy The Reformer: A Novel Based on the Life of Martin Luther on Kobo

Have you read this book? Tell us what you thought! All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.


Who Is Victoria Island? by Melody Heart

I was left for dead at 17. I woke up in the hospital with no idea who I was. The doctor called me Victoria, named after the island where I was found with a traumatic brain injury. I was determined to find my family. My only clue led me to the Arches National Park. I wished upon a star and met Griffon, a local guide. We made an instant connection, but he was not what he seemed. Mysterious Shadow People who lurked in the park threatened my life. Were they real or the result of my recent brain injury? I am strong, I am brave, and I don’t back down from a challenge. I had already beaten the odds to live.

Targeted Age Group:: 16-40

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I wrote this young adult fantasy book for my granddaughters. The adventurous main character embodies all of the things I love doing: hiking, exploring the national parks and photography.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Victoria is strong, brave and a little bit badass. I had already picked the name, Griffon, for her boyfriend and SPOILER ALERT before I decided that he would be an actual griffon.

Book Sample
I heard them coming, right on my heels, screeching in their strange language. I sprinted along the side of the gorge. I was in the marathon of my life. I skidded to an abrupt stop, teetering on the edge of a steep cliff. Beneath my boots loose rocks tumbled several hundred feet to the valley below. I turned around and estimated my chances. There were too many of them to fight off. They would shred me to pieces. Or I could jump. I made my decision and hoped that Griffon was right. I took three steps towards the threat, then whirled around and took a leap of faith. I hurled myself off the cliff.

Links to Purchase Print Books
Buy Who Is Victoria Island? Print Edition at Amazon

Links to Purchase eBooks – Click links for book samples and reviews
Buy Who Is Victoria Island? On Amazon

Have you read this book? Tell us what you thought! All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.


Featured Book: The Bodies That Move by Bunye Ngene

bodies that move book cover
About Featured Book: The Bodies That Move by Bunye Ngene

The Bodies That Move tells the riveting story of a man who embarks on a perilous journey in search of greener pastures. His journey takes him through transit cities, safe houses and detention camps in Nigeria, Niger and war-torn Libya, and sees him cross the Sahara Desert.

This Fiction book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

Buy Book Here.


Featured Book: The Dolphin Law; A Story of the Seas by Linda Collister

dolphin law book cover
About Featured Book: The Dolphin Law; A Story of the Seas by Linda Collister

On sale for $.99 for the month of March 2021!

Relax into the beauty of human truth, reveling in love and our spiritual connection to all that is.
Do you ever sit there and wonder how we humans have become so disconnected from nature?

Ever question how it is that we seem to have lost our way with the natural flow of life?

The ups and downs and turmoil of our fast-paced world leave us without a solid grounding in the foundation of our spiritual truth — it often seems we humans have lost our way.

The dolphins see this, too. They know of our past and of how we have drifted into a cloud of confusion and disconnect.

Many of them had given up on our return to a resonance of peace with mother nature. The dolphin law even forbids any dolphin from ever trying to establish contact with us again.

But a mother’s love will always do what it must — especially when the life of her young one is on the line.

The heart of humanity, of course, will forever be there to support those in need.

A story of re-established trust and love shows us that the bond between land dweller and ocean goer is just as strong now as it had ever been before.

A rediscovering of human and animal cohabitation serves as a beautiful reminder that no matter how lost we may become as a human species, at the end of it we are all one in spirit.

Stepping into an underwater world of confusion, chaos, and pleas for help from anyone able will remind you of our connection to all living beings and help bring those questions of our disconnect to a standstill.

We are each only as far from nature as we choose to be, sometimes we just need a little healthy reminder of our truth.

In Dolphin Law, you’ll discover:

A beautiful tale of how man and dolphin have wired together to make the impossible become something real and alive
The beauty and complexity with which dolphins nurture their children just as a human mother would
How dolphins connect on seemingly telepathic wavelengths, and why this is so advantageous to their survival in the wild
Insight into the beauty of how a mother dolphin teaches her young to survive
A dolphin’s tale of human retreat into the unknowing wilderness of land and disconnect from the freedom of the vast ocean
How one woman established communication with a dolphin mother and helped save her young one’s life
… and much more!

Dive into an ocean of remembrance and the beautiful connection of two kindred spirits.

From the depths of the great big blue, all the way into the compassionate heart of one young woman, a story of love and unity will bring us all together as we fight for each of our survival — side by side and into the sunsets of eternity.

This Fiction book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

Buy Book Here.


My Only Sunshine: A Story for Domestic Abuse Survivors by Shannon Jump

“My story is like that of many before me. I am a victim of domestic abuse and marital rape, a battered woman. I fell in love with a tall, dark and handsome man; a self-proclaimed bad boy with an unexpected and worsening drug problem. I was blind to his true colors when I said my vows and I feared there was no turning back.”

Set in a small town in Minnesota and spanning over twenty years, Brynn Reeves navigates through an abusive marriage, motherhood and friendship while coming to terms with the unexpected path her life has taken. Based loosely on true events, My Only Sunshine is a story of love, determination and strength filled with raw emotion and kick-you-in-the-gut heartbreak.

They said until death do them part; will Brynn find the strength to get out before it’s too late?

Targeted Age Group:: 18+

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
My Only Sunshine is loosely based on true events in my life. While it's not a memoir or non-fiction, the story idea centered around those events and writing was a therapeutic process for me. I wanted to share this personal story in hopes that it will inspire others who are perhaps living through, or have lived through, similar situations.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Because this book is loosely based on true events, the characters were inspired by real people in my life, some family and some friends.

Book Sample

I am a victim of domestic abuse and marital rape.
There, I said it.

I fucking hate that there's a name for it. I hate this hell that I've lived. Victim. But that's the reality, and apparently, there are others like me. This haunting thing that tainted me beyond recognition has a definition, a distinct classification and meaning.

I am a victim of domestic abuse and marital rape.


I will always be a victim. Kind of like how an addict is always an addict, their addiction the result of something bigger than them, something out of their control. And while I often convinced myself that what happened to me was my fault, I now know that it wasn’t. I didn’t ask to be raped by my husband; I didn’t ask to be abused. But I did choose to marry him. And then I chose to stay, even after the abuse started. Just as an addict makes a choice each time they slip the heroin-laced needle into their veins, snort the white shit up their nose, or replace the water in their tumbler with a liter of vodka, I chose to stick by my despicable husband, which did nothing more than enable him to further neglect the tenets of societal norms and overall basic human decency.

Hindsight sure is a bitch.

I am a victim of domestic abuse and marital rape.

While I hate to say I didn't know better, I didn't know any better. My parents, who have been married more than thirty years, had never once been violent toward one another. Sure, they argued sometimes, just like any other married couple, but they loved each other. And they loved me—I grew up happy, I grew up content. We went on vacations, they watched me play sports and participate in extracurricular activities. They supported my hobbies and piled more than enough Christmas gifts under the tree every year. They weren't bad parents by any means—although at times I'm sure I made them feel as if they were, thanks to my love of all things F-word related and an overwhelming desire to do as I pleased. The good example had been set for me, but for some reason, I was ignorant to that knowledge when I met Nathan. I looked the other way and pretended there wasn’t a problem. I dismissed the warning signs of abuse and instead fell into bed with a handsome face who liked to use sex, drugs and manipulation as a form of discipline.

That’s how—seventeen years ago at the ripe young age of nineteen—I stood in front of a judge and two clergymen and vowed to love, honor and cherish, in sickness and in health, until death do us part, a manipulative and evil man. I signed a few pieces of paper, changed my last name and became the wife of an abusive addict.

I just didn’t know it at the time.

A handful of my close friends and family suspected what I'd gotten myself into. That's why Nathan and I were married at the Wright County Courthouse in the first place. My best friend, Jerilyn, hated Nathan. My mother despised him and likely would have murdered him if such a thing were legal. My father would have helped her bury the body. It turns out it only costs about three hundred dollars to get married by a judge in their chambers, and apart from having to sit through Judge Vesser's final case of the day, it was over in less than thirty minutes.

Nathan didn't buy a ring, make a grandiose proposal or ask for my parent's permission—I assure you they wouldn't have given it to him. I didn't buy a wedding dress, book a honeymoon or send out a single wedding invitation. We merely applied for a marriage license, and when it came in the mail a few weeks later, headed to the courthouse and had the least romantic ceremony in the history of wedding ceremonies. It was a Wednesday afternoon.

I’d like to say that my new husband eventually got his shit together and grew into the man that I desperately wanted him to be, but that would be a lie. Not that it mattered—I was bound by the laws of marriage. I did, after all, vow to love him in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

I am a domestic abuse and marital rape survivor.

Links to Purchase Print Books
Buy My Only Sunshine: A Story for Domestic Abuse Survivors Print Edition at Amazon
Buy My Only Sunshine: A Story for Domestic Abuse Survivors Print Edition at Barnes and Noble
Buy My Only Sunshine: A Story for Domestic Abuse Survivors Print book for sale at

Links to Purchase eBooks – Click links for book samples and reviews
Buy My Only Sunshine: A Story for Domestic Abuse Survivors On Amazon

Have you read this book? Tell us what you thought! All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.



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