Hirondelles & Haricots!

Published: Sun, 04/03/16

Hotels Afloat and the mysterious H

Les Hirondelles
The swallows are welcomed to France as the first sign of Spring. 
Each year, the birds will return to their previous nesting sites, often in rural barns.  
Woe-betide anyone that leaves a door open because...

Did you know?  In France, it is illegal to destroy a swallow's nest.

Les Haricots
The green bean is the most commonly consumed vegetable in France
"Les Haricots" exist in both green and yellow varieties, the latter called Haricots Beurre... not to be confused with Butter Beans!

Over 24000 tonnes of beans are grown commercially each year

Did you know?  There are over 13.5 million private vegetable plots in France, with an average side of 650m².  That's space for a lot more beans!
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Special events
Fete du Cassoulet at Castelnaudary: 24-28 August 2016

Four days of fun activities, free concerts and celebration of the most famous dish of the Herault region in the south of France
Probably the best cassoulet you'll ever eat! 

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