Time is precious!

Published: Mon, 12/21/15

Time is short... we know!
We hope that you are enjoying the holiday season.

No doubt you're now dealing with the last-minute preparations...
Gifts to wrap, meals to plan and guests to welcome into your home,
so we won't take up too much of your time today.

After a very busy year, thanks to all our wonderful guests,
we are ready to put our feet up for a few days too.

Our office will be closed from December 24th to December 26th,
and from December 31st to January 2nd.

With the best of the Early Bird Offers closing on December 30th,
we will be here to answer emails and  your calls at all other times,
and all within 24 hours as per usual.

Now is the perfect time to book your 2016 cruise 
 What a great gift for your loved ones!

+33 614 250 200