Empower Women Leaders Feb 2015 Newsletter: Moving Forward

Published: Tue, 02/03/15

Putting Women and Girls First in Development - YES!
 Gates Foundation leading the way...
Click on the image above and you'll see a Gates produced video on global poverty and why you should care. 

EWL could not agree more with the Gates Foundation and our 2015 focus, beyond Ebola, is on addressing poverty and opportunity for Liberian women and girls.

Shelly's looking forward column talks about the two initiatives EWL are currently launching while Vickie's views examines our attitudes around poverty.

Next month, more details will be available as EWL moves forward with putting women and girls first in development. Click below on read more to understand how important women and girl's development is.
Vicki's Views
Poverty means?

When you think of the word poverty what does it mean to you?  

This is an important question for EWL because our focus is on working with women in developing countries, which basically means partnering with women who live in poverty.  It is difficult to serve these women unless we have a sense of the reality they are living.

I pondered this question again as I was re-reading parts of Bryant Myers book Walking With The Poor (1999). Myers points out that poverty is not about the lack of resources but it is about relationships. On page 13 of his book, Myers describes five areas of relationships that are distorted when you live in poverty....

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