Elder Abuse Bytes - Education Edition

Published: Wed, 01/27/16

NCEA Education Domain
As one of the four domains defined in the Elder Justice Road Map, the Education Domain of the NCEA compiles training and awareness materials to further the field for those interested in the identification and prevention of elder abuse. In this edition of the Elder Abuse Bytes E-Newsletter, we highlight recently developed training materials and other efforts that are aimed at filling the educational gaps to push the field of elder abuse forward. 
NCEA Director Dr. Laura Mosqueda (right) and L.A. District         Attorney Jackie Lacey discuss scams and abuse at The Sandwich Generation Forum hosted by KNX 1070 NEWSRADIO. 
Training Materials for Rural and Faith Community Audiences

The NCEA is pleased to work with the Minnesota Elder Justice Center to provide educational resources to diverse communities. In response to the need for broader public awareness and collaboration to solve the problem of elder abuse, the NCEA with the Minnesota Elder Justice Center recently released new training materials for rural and faith community audiences. These materials provide guides for presenting this important information to others in diverse settings, and include a slide set and presenter’s guide, an outreach guide, an evaluation form, and case studies for both audiences.

To view these materials, click here.

To learn more about the Minnesota Elder Justice Center, click here.  

Training Resources on Elder Abuse Site
Funded through a grant from the Archstone Foundation, the Training Resources on Elder Abuse (TREA) site is a collaboration between the Department of Family Medicine and Geriatrics at the Keck School of Medicine of USC and the NCEA. Inspired by the Elder Justice Roadmap, TREA’s goal is to increase the number of professionals, caregivers and community members who receive high quality training on elder abuse.

The site provides a wide range of training materials for a variety of audiences. To view training materials or submit material to be included on the site, click here.

NCEA Webinars
NCEA webcasts are designed to educate and bring professionals together to collaborate on targeted issues. Recent webinars include:
  • Funding Available for Elder Abuse Victims Assistance - a partnership between NCEA, New York City Elder Abuse Center (NYCEAC), National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL) and Elder Justice Coalition (EJC) that discusses how to apply for funding from two federal programs to support victim services for older adults in your community.
  • Put a STOP to Poor Care - a collaboration between NCEA and Consumer Voice to help long-term care residents, their family members, and other advocates identify quality care and potential issues. The webinar identifies indicators of quality care and warning signs of poor care, provides communication tips, and shares advocacy strategies to help consumers, family members, and others advocate for individualized care.

To view these and other past NCEA webinars, click here.

Networking with Elder Justice Colleagues
The Coordinated Response to Elder Abuse (CREA) - Memphis team visited the NCEA office in January 2016. CREA Memphis is a multidisciplinary group that aims to improve the protection of older adults in Memphis and Shelby County by providing victim-centered services that support older adults by building awareness and education in their communities. 

In September 2015, NCEA Director, Dr. Laura Mosqueda provided Elder Abuse Identification, Assessment and Response training for the CREA team. As a follow-up to that training, the CREA team visited California and received additional training from the California Forensic Centers and the Department of Family Medicine and Geriatrics at the Keck School of Medicine of USC to support them in their work to improve the awareness and detection of elder abuse by training various medical personnel in their participating hospitals.
The NCEA was also delighted to welcome Professor Koji Yamaguchi of Shukutoku University in Japan to our office in November 2015. Dr. Yamaguchi visited the NCEA to share his ongoing research on elder abuse in Japan and to learn about our efforts at the center. 
Elder Justice Roadmap Steering Committee
The Elder Justice Roadmap Steering Committee works as a catalyst to fulfill the promise of the Elder Justice Roadmap. Eleven elder justice professionals, including nine of the roadmap's original contributors, hold monthly meetings to develop and manage strategic partnerships, promote awareness and action, and encourage new programs that respond to the roadmap priorities. In 2015, the Steering Committee published an impact update on the many accomplishments of the roadmap. For more information about the roadmap and to read project updates, click here.