Blog Your Heart Out: This Weekend, Breathe + Write

Published: Sat, 02/21/15

Take a breath.

Hey there ,

I want you to sit back, take a breath, and notice how far you've come since last Saturday.  For some of us the results of the challenge -- so far -- are tangible: we've written our first blog post in months (or ever!), have topic lists that feel solid and good to go, and have seen our name in print every where from the humble Holistic Wordsmith Facebook page to the Huffington Post.

For others of us, the impact of the work we're doing feels further off.  Maybe you're inspired, and these emails and the writing challenges have been filed away for a less crazy week.  Maybe you've commented on the writings of others, but haven't put our own out there just yet -- you're feeling the beauty of being supportive and getting ideas. 

So in this moment, I'd like you to take a breath, notice what's happened, and wherever you are in the process, take a moment to savor being in it.

Here's a quick recap of our time together so far:

February 8-13th: delicious writing prompts to get us warmed up, pre-challenge

February 14th: the Soft Opening, Self-Love

February 15th: Self-Love, Part 2

February 16th: Finding Pleasure in the Writing Process..

February 17th:  Even More Pleasure for Your Writing Practice...

February 18th: Putting Out for Your People... For Free.  Dwelling in the Gift.

February 19th: What Do I Write About? The Top-Down Method of Topic Generation.

February 20th: What Do I Write About? Part Deux: Curating Topics from Heart + Soul.

This weekend is a great time to get caught up or jump ahead into writing a blog post if you haven't done so already.  You can find all the deliciousness above, in one easy to navigate archive, here.

We'll start week two of the Blog Your Heart Out Challenge by organizing all of this beauty into structures that help cultivate more productivity and creative delight.  See you on Monday!