Blog Your Heart Out: Back to the Heart + Soul of the Matter

Published: Wed, 02/25/15

Hey writer,  

I'm sending you this little missive because the last couple of days we've been working pretty intensely with structure, topic lists, etc., and I wanted to remind us all that beyond all of that is something far more important -- the idea that we are creating writing that's filled with eros, with life.

Last night I had a dream that Aphrodite came to me and taught me to do a meditation about connecting with our ultimate innocence, the place within us where we are fully able to give and receive love, and abandon ourselves to the process of it.  So that's what I'm writing about today.

Which is to say, again, that if creating these kind of structures feeds your writing life and creative spirit, do it.  If you aren't sure, try them out -- even a couple of times, to see if there's a way to make it work for you.  But if it feels stifling, and you have an amazing dream and want to write about it even though you have tons of great content on your editorial calendar that you've been meaning to get to, write about the dream.  Write in a way that connects you to life.

P.S. Whoa, were there a lot of typos yesterday.  I'd like to blame it on technology, but actually, I proofread that thing like 3 times after I got home before I sent it out.  So I'm blaming it on pregnancy.  Today I'm 36.5 weeks pregnant!  My belly wiggles back and forth when I walk now.  It's amazing.