Required Reading for Witches and the Woo-Curious...

Published: Mon, 08/29/16

Dearest ,

Today I'm sitting down for my first day back at writing in weeks-- I mean, other than this newsletter, which has been a mainstay for a while.

I've finally decided to write a book.  Which is both big news, and small news, because I've always known I was going to. On the other hand, it's taken me a long time to find the courage, confidence, and clarity to say a clear, soulful "yes" to one topic and genre above all the other possibilities that are constantly flooding my mind and dreams.

My newfound clarity and confidence sits right on top of the hard, gray wall of depression that's been my constant companion these past couple of weeks since my dear friend took a turn for the worse and then passed. I'm telling you this because I want to dis-spell the myth that confidence and clarity only happen to happy people-- to people who have finally "gotten it together" or "arrived."  You can be totally clear in heart, body and soul, and be quite sad. Or angry. Or feel like you're dying inside with a single spark of inspiration guiding you through.

Learning this wisdom has been one of the gifts that has come by doing witchy things like tarot and ritual with my clients recently. I've seen these powerful, visionary, overwhelmed women wake up, without that having to mean denying their feelings. I've seen them continue to swim in the rocky seas of grief, trauma, and transition and find their true course again, their compass firmly in their hearts, as achey and fragile as they may be.

Sometimes in the personal development world, we focus a lot on mindset, being positive, reframing. All of which can be helpful when we're stuck in victim or business-as-usual mode. But these tools -- mindset, positive thinking, vision boards, law of attraction, reframing, and the rest-- are never helpful, healing, or empowering if they become part of the matrix which dims our connection to self and our vast, deep, multifaceted emotional landscapes.  

In other news, witchiness is quite en vogue these days, did you hear? This last week alone I've gotten three newsletters from folks that I follow with headlines like, "How you know you're a witch," etc., etc. It's an amazing shift for me... when I first began my journey into magic twenty-some years ago, I lost friends. People called me bad names at work. My boyfriend's friends started making fun of me behind my back, and it's likely that he did, too. But now it's all the rage. {Even Adele's a witch, did you know?} 

So if you're feeling witchy or merely woo-curious and would like some inspirational reading, I've collected some of my favorite recent bits and pieces from around the web for you down below.

Also, next month I'll be offering a free webinar series next month called Own Your Magic on Tuesday mornings.  Below is some visual juiciness and info to whet your appetite! I'm so looking forward to connecting with some of you live then.

With love and magic, ​​​​​​​
Save the dates!

Own Your Magic
a free webinar series with Rebecca Rose Sang
September 13th, 10am PST
September 20th, 10am PST
September 27th, 10am PST
Magic Words: Required Reading for Witches and the Woo-Curious
  1.  A Mantra for Reclaiming Our Magic by Rebecca Rose Sang (me!).
    Teaser: When we do deep magic like this, it’s never only something we do for ourselves. We do it for us all. Every step you make in reclaiming yourself, your power, your own voice is a torch in the dark for another woman who is further back along the path.

  2. Cry of the Millenial Witch by Ora North.  
    The realm of the mainstream spiritual has become shallow and dogmatic. In an effort to reach divinity, enlightenment, and guru-status, we’ve banished and demonized the “negative” and the struggle of the human experience. We’ve lost touch with the glorious bittersweet medicine that our pain and suffering offers when truly acknowledged by the Self and the tribe, and subsequently integrated with compassion and love." 

  3. 13 Signs You're a Witch by Sarah Durham of November Sage.
     Teaser: "In fear of the power of the feminine, women, the earth and its creatures have been slaughtered under false and hysterical pretenses. It is crucial we reclaim ourselves and the beauty, power, heritage of the word Witch. A witch's purpose is the very earth we need to save."

  4. The Real Reason Women Love Witches by Anne Thereialt of the Establishment.
    "To be a witch is to be a woman with power in a world where women often otherwise feel powerless." 

  5. The Deepest Magic: To Know Yourself, Know Your Ancestors by Amber Magnolia Hill of Aquarian Dawn.
    "Today, many of us ache for the old ways, yearn for the wisdom that seems so inaccessible to us in our denatured, hyper-speed modern life. Our ancestors lived in a time when reverence and a sense of the sacred spoke to them in hallowed whispers throughout the mundane tasks of daily life. They couldn't find meaning in the universe otherwise."

  6. 10 Traits of Witches by Carolyn Elliott.
    "Let me be clear: to be a witch, one doesn't need to be Wiccan, or even Pagan, at all... Being a Witch is an inherent quality of one's being. It's a particular flavor of spiritual and emotional incarnation, not necessarily a collection of conscious beliefs."

  7. Real Witches See Possibility by Asia of Wool Gathering Wild Crafting.
    "There is another way of seeing. One that acknowledges both what was and the mystery of what will be. One that recognizes each fallen tree and also greets the mystery."