Ah, Autumn. Fall leaves, quiet moments, and more witchiness. {take 2... working links}

Published: Wed, 10/05/16

Dearest ,

Happy October. This is, without a doubt, my favorite month of the year. I love it's witchiness. I love the fall colors, not just the leaves, but the way the light is a little more subtle and everything feels more nuanced. 

I feel invited, by nature, to begin to slow down and get more quiet. It's such a balm for my heart and soul. Summer seems so garish, by the end, to me. Autumn feels like honey dripping all over me, my shadow bits and my bright bits. 

I have so many beautiful things coming up, not just summer daydreams but things that are actually on the books and in motion, which I'm excited to tell you about. 

For folks in the Bay Area, I'll be teaching a course on Herbs for Abundance and Fertility at Homestead Apothecary in Oakland this month, and a course on the Magic of Hecate (Goddess of the Crossroads, and Queen of Witches) with one of my dear teachers and friends, Tami Urania Griffith in Berkeley. 

And for everyone, everywhere, I'm doing a series of FREE online workshops about magic, writing, and bringing your spiritual practice to your business or work in the world. I had deeply desired to do this last month, but it seems like it simply wasn't meant to be until Mercury went direct. Or something. We had quite a spell of technological mishaps, but now it's all worked out.

I hope you'll join me! Details are below.  Will you be a part of this sacred circle?

With love and magic, ​​​​​​​
 Join me for a FREE series of online workshops designed to help you bring all of your potent, brilliant, magical energy into your work, writing, and life, every day.

Hello, Magical One.

I believe there are few essential keys to living a life of magic and inspiration as a creatrix, leader, entrepreneur, and force of nature in this world.

This FREE online workshop series is about tapping into your fullest magical potential and prowess so that you can own your intuition, creativity, and power fully. No more shrinking back, love. It’s time to own it.

The Own Your Magic Experience is about imbuing your life with magic, everyday.  I'll show you:

  • Why setting an intention isn’t enough, and how to elevate your intentions to powerful transformation in your life.

  • What real magic is, and how it can radically shift your business, your creative work, and your every day routine.

  • The 5 steps to creating magic in your practice, your life and business, and so that you can experience delicious synchronicities in the aspects of your life that you put your attention on.

  • How to become a clear channel for your work in the world, your words, and your mission.

  • A witchy blueprint for infusing your work, creative projects, and writing with clarity, energy and confidence.  


October 13th
October 20th
October 27th