Honoring the Bright Spark + An Herbal Class & Benefit for the Oakland Fire Victims

Published: Tue, 12/06/16

Dearest ,

This has been a hard year for many of us, and the last week in my community was especially hard. For those that may not have heard, Oakland suffered a great loss Friday evening when an artist's collective and event space burned down in a 3-alarm fire, taking 36 beautiful souls from us. It's the most deadly fire in California since those that followed the 1909 San Francisco earthquake.

The next day, I sat down with a client and she pulled the Ace of Wands, which is the the first kindling of fire.  

Sometimes, fires start, and they burn down our temples. They can cause great harm.  End lives. Destroy dreams.

But the Ace of Wands is also the bright spark -- of creativity, passion, inspiration, and transformation.  Of everything those who lost their lives at a place called GhostShip lived for, cherished, and put out there for our entire community.

So I'm sitting with this polarity... honoring our full creative potential, and those that have devoted their lives to living outside the box in pursuit of their visions and their voices, and the transformative power of art, love, and fire while also being all too aware of the destructive power we have at our fingertips.

In the old temples, the creatrix was often the same diety that was the destroyer-- or they were twins, sisters, two sides of the same being.  Creativity and destruction are intrinsically linked, the same energy in a crucible of light and shadow, death and rebirth. My teacher, Matthew Fox, says that Creation and Destruction are in fact the same energy-- the only true difference is how that energy is channeled.

At night, I'm lighting candles... for those beautiful ones that are lost, like sweet Micah, who held my baby girl for hours at my brother's anniversary party, played with her, made her squeal and laugh with delight. For our earth, facing new perils with each new appointment by the President-Elect, but not, for now, the DAPL pipeline. For my own creative projects, my family, and my community.

Meanwhile, the work goes on. I have some beautiful events coming up, in the Bay Area and virtually.  They're listed below, beginning with a beautiful herbal offering that is a benefit for the victims of the Oakland Fire. You can participate live in the Bay Area, or virtually from anywhere you like.

Also, I'm extending my offer for $50 off the Witching Hours until Winter Solstice, December 21st. I'd love to have you -- or a loved one of yours, if you'd like to gift the experience-- take one of my last 3 spots! I'm not clear if I'm going to continue to offer this program again next year, so if you've been on the fence, now is the time to make your move.

If you are ready to get clarity and are curious about the intersection of magic, herbs, and transformational coaching, click here to hop on the phone to chat with me get clear on your next steps as we move into 2017. (no strings attached. really.)

Or, if you're ready to sign up (before those 3 spots are snatched up!), you can do so here.

To your bright spark,
Upcoming Offerings & Events
    • December 13th, 2016: Warm Heart & Strong Body: An Herbal Benefit for the Victims of the Oakland Fire. ONLINE WORKSHOP.  Of course we'll record it. ;-)

    • January 15th: Winter Wellness: Body, Heart and Soul Herbal Care for Cold Nights and Rainy Days, Berkeley CA

    • January 17th: Winter Wellness: Body, Heart and Soul Herbal Care for Cold Nights and Rainy Days, Online Workshop.

    • January 18th-February 8th, 2017: Courting the Goddess, Freya with Urania Griffith in Berkeley CA. 

    • February 26th: One-Day Herbal Retreat in Berkeley, CA

    • March 2017: PlantWitch: An 8-Month Herbal Apprenticeship with Riyana Rose & Seraphina Capranos. More TBA... this program is a combo of weekend in-person intensives based out of Berkeley, CA and bi-monthly virtual content. It's a deep dive of magic, herbs, ancestral healing, and connecting heart and soul to nature. 
    PS. This newsletter was brought to you courtesy of, and inspired by, the amazing sounds of Ayla Nereo. You really should listen to "The Code of Flowers," which you can hear on Soundcloud for free.